Minimum wage impact on other salaries

That the question the OP asked. Have you anything to substantiate that conclusion?
Minimum wag has gone up in total by 20% in the last couple of years, I doubt very much that there are many further up the line on higher salaries who have got a 20% wage increase in 2 years.

Be interesting to see how companies who pay the "living wage" respond to the minimum wage increase.
My own feeling is that minimum wage does not matter when economy is at full employment like it is now. But when the economy is in a downturn a minimum wage of €13.50 will stop some employers from hiring at all.

Many have forgotten but the troika forced Ireland to cut the national minimum wage from €8.65 to €7.65 in late 2010 when unemployment was 14% but it was the first thing that the incoming FG-Labour coalition reversed when it come into office a month or two later.

Personally I think minimum wage legislation should have in-built flexibility to provide for a reduced rate during tough economic times but not many politicians have the courage.