I have noticed that following a brief spell of reducing packaging a few years ago, the volume of packaging on most supermarket produce has gone up considerably in the last two or three years.
I shop in Tescos & Dunnes on occasion and it is safe to say that 90% of the fruit in Dunnes comes pre-packed and maybe 75% of the stuff in Tescos. Supervalue seem to be a good bit better.
Mrs zag shops in the Dublin Food Co-op normally and I think about 0% of the stuff sold there is pre-packed, so I don't feel unduly guilty when I occasionally need to get something in Dunnes.
Those companies making yoghurt drinks must be laughing all the way to the bank. A few years ago they were selling them in 250 & 500ml containers and making some money. Then some marketing genius said "Let's put them in smaller bottles, charge more, stick on a buzz-word, have some fancy ads and away we go . . ." now they are making loads of money, and people are somehow convinced that this stuff must be good for them because it comes pre-packed in a small bottle, which comes packed in a multi-pack, which comes packed in a bigger multi-pack. They even get more exercise because of the more frequent trips to the shops to stock up and the trips to the recycling centre to off-load the millions of little empties.