Middle lane drivers

It's way past your bedtime CCOVICH sleep it off and you'll feel better in the morning.
Yeah, whatever. Back to the original topic, heaven help us when the M50 upgrade is complete and we'll have exponentially more muppets who haven't got a clue how the 2nd and 3rd lanes making motorway a lot more interesting.
It is crazy the number of drivers which sit in the overtaking lane at and not making an effort to overtake the vehicles on the left. In fact there are often cases where there is nobody in the left lane and they still continue to travel in the right lane. This is totally irresponsible, not only are they holding up traffic but they are forcing vehicles to undertake on the left which not only is illegal but quite dangerous.

Totally agree. Coming down the N7 earlier and car in middle lane driving about 80/90kmph. Would not move over to left hand lane although it was virtually empty. Right hand lane was busy so saw a lot of cars overtaking on the left.
Same last night on N7, was behind one of these drivers. Very, very annoying and dangerous.
I think the spelling of the word you're looking for is moron!

The Mallow to Cork road has several stretches of overtaking lane heading towards Cork - the inside lane is completely redundant most of the time apart from the odd truck or tractor and as a result the road is a complete nightmare. Really bad tailgating by lines of traffic the whole way to Cork.

You can almost hear the thought pattern of the law abiding citizens: 'I'm doing 100 and I'm entitled to sit here in this lane making sure no one else breaks the law' these are often the ones who break suddenly at the slightest thing such as an on-coming car (at the opposite side of the road) causing near misses - It's my ultimate frustration!

I blame the government for much of this - bad planning and ridiculous property bubbles caused urban sprawl. These roads now have thousands of cars on them. It's the ratio of cars to road size that causes the problem. I will admit that the bullishness of certain drivers is really bad as well. People leave their homes at 6am to avoid the rush. These people don't take kindly to be held up by someone doing 'just' the speed limit in the overtaking lane.
I blame the government for much of this - bad planning and ridiculous property bubbles caused urban sprawl. These roads now have thousands of cars on them. It's the ratio of cars to road size that causes the problem. I will admit that the bullishness of certain drivers is really bad as well. People leave their homes at 6am to avoid the rush. These people don't take kindly to be held up by someone doing 'just' the speed limit in the overtaking lane.
How is it the government’s fault that people are too stupid to learn basic driving skills? :confused:
How is it the government’s fault that people are too stupid to learn basic driving skills? :confused:

The government created the social conditions where the roads were going to end up as packed as they are. They are indirectly responsible along with others.
The government created the social conditions where the roads were going to end up as packed as they are. They are indirectly responsible along with others.

I don't agree. Bad driving and busy road are not the same thing.
I always stick the speed limit on the N7, on it twice a day on average, I find the middle lane is where drivers do a comfortable and legal 100mph, we do overtake slower drivers on the left, and people entering and exiting the roadway at exits. I find that a lot of those who overtake on the outside lane are breaking the legal speed limit, and those who overtake on the left hand lane even more so. I generally meet these same drivers again at the traffic lights at Newlands so their progress is slightly imaginary..

Firstly, garda cannot use there speedometer to tell if a car is speeding or not so what makes you think that your one is perfect

Secondly, to all those people driving in the middle lane when the left lane is free, thanks for that. Thanks for my driving experience this weekend, when sticking to the rules of the road , driving along in the left hand lane when i wasn;t overtaking , I then had to cross two lanes of traffic to overtake you , becuase I don't overtake on the left hand side. Cheers!
It also drives me nuts to be on the motorway and to see cars driving along in the OVERTAKING lane (not the fast lane) when there is little or no traffic in the inside lane. Overtake the car in the inside lane and then pull in again please, please, please.

This is what I endeavour to do at all times but i find that if if the road is particularly busy, if i pull into the left lane, cars on the overtaking lane are very reluctant to let me out again. They tend to bunch up together or else if they see my indicator on to pull out...they speed up! In rush hour traffic, from the sliproad onto the M1, there is a long line of cars in the overtaking lane and a handful in the inside lane. I think people could be reluctant to pull in cos they find it hard to get out again.

Also, have you seen the one where there is a crawler in the overtaking lane...you want to pass and so as not to undertake you pull out behind him/her into the overtaking lane. S/he finally sees you...pulls in to let you pass and then pulls out again?????? Whats that all about?
Secondly, to all those people driving in the middle lane when the left lane is free, thanks for that. Thanks for my driving experience this weekend, when sticking to the rules of the road , driving along in the left hand lane when i wasn;t overtaking , I then had to cross two lanes of traffic to overtake you , becuase I don't overtake on the left hand side. Cheers!

You are so welcome!:)
I absolutely agree and this kind of stuff drives me mental. It is none of your business if I am driving slightly over the speed limit on a road that can handle it (such as N7). I am the one who will have to deal with consequences if I get caught and no, my intention is not to kill you and your entire family any more than it is to kill myself.

This is obviously not directed at any of the posters just a general rant as I use the N7 at least twice a day and the amount of do-gooder gob****es on it is a greater danger than a relatively small percentage of drivers who drive above the speed limit.

I'm not trying to justify hogging the outside lane, but this is self-serving nonsense. Your breaking of the speed limit may well have impacts on other road users, regardless of your intention.

I've found myself ignoring people flashing behind me on occasions where I have a good reason to be in the outside line, e.g. to avoid traffic flow ahead.
I'm not trying to justify hogging the outside lane, but this is self-serving nonsense. Your breaking of the speed limit may well have impacts on other road users, regardless of your intention.

I've found myself ignoring people flashing behind me on occasions where I have a good reason to be in the outside line, e.g. to avoid traffic flow ahead.
If you are driving faster than the lane to your left then stay where you are. If not then move in. The guy behind you flashing his lights should not be a factor.
On a three lane motorway, how many lanes are for overtaking ? Genuine question
There are some serious speed merchant maniacs on the N7.

I usually keep to 100km with the traffic in my little Yaris in the middle lane which seems to keep moving at that pace quite comfortably. The slow lane is usually far slower, though sometimes I can get in there at Rathcoole and move faster than the middle lane as far as my turn off at Kill. The cars flying by me on the fast lane have to be doing at least 130/140km and more.

The speed limit is there for a reason. It is not for any one person to make the decision that the road can handle it. Whatever about the road, drivers can't handle it and that is why there are so many deaths on our roads. I don't think that a small few drive over the limit on the N7, I think a very large percentage do. And way above the limits.
On a three lane motorway, how many lanes are for overtaking ? Genuine question

2 outside lanes are for over taking (I believe).

The inside lane is for slower moving traffic.

If you are the only car on the road you should be in the inside lane until you are going to over take someone.