Michael Noonan and Hoodies


Registered User
Michael Noonan has in shopping centers/areas! Crazy, i'm wearing one right now, and I wore one all day yesterday! Do you think i'm the sort of guy who'd rob you? Intimidate you? (Don't say yes Clubman ;))Talk about tarring all youths with the one brush!

I'm now adding Michael Noonan to my growing list of major life decisions i've made in the past few weeks...

  • I'm going to stop buying the Indo (...except on Thursdays, cause I want to read Brendan Keenans interesting pieces in the business section!)
  • I'm not buying the Sunday Indo every again (cause its become a broadsheet tabloid... yes thats a contridiction... but its true!)
  • I'm going to do Commerce/Business Studies in DCU or UCD
  • I'm never voting for Mary O'Rourke (i've always hated her)
  • I'm going to run at least one marathon before i'm 25 (I'm a swimmer and did a biathlon a few months ago - I won the running section in my group and have since become interested in the sport as a personal challenge)
  • I'm going to continue to keep all my money in the credit union and avoid AIB as much as possible (I can't stand them)
  • I'm not going to get the 600 points i've always dreamed of... i'll settle for 595!
  • I'm going to renew my subscription the The Economist (i've been getting it for 10months and its fantastic... far better than Fortune, Business Plus, FT or Forbes)
  • I'm going to work as a life gaurd, web designer and entrepreneur whilst in college... and be a millionaire by 21! (i'm only 16 now... so i've 5yrs still to go!)
  • I'm never going to buy an iPod (Creative Zen is ten times better
  • I'm sticking to Firefox... its been a dream since I got it
  • I'm going to wear a hoody tommorrow
  • ...and the next day
And now...
  • I'm never voting for Fine Gael (MN's latest comment adds to the many things that irk me about the party

NB: The above statements reflect the random opinions of CGorman and are in no way ment to be read literally... its supposed to be a humorous rant!... [Waits for Clubman to pick holes]
RainyDay said:
I hear a lot of shoplifters wear runners too. Can we ban runners?

No! I'm wearing runners right now aswell... I only own one pair of shoes [Mugs RainyDay]
The things above are just decisions i've made in the past few weeks, your nursing home fund has long been a central element of my ambitions, hopes and dreams :p
CGorman said:
  • I'm going to stop buying the Indo (...except on Thursdays, cause I want to read Brendan Keenans interesting pieces in the business section!)
Read it online for free.
"The things above are just decisions i've made in the past few weeks, your nursing home fund has long been a central element of my ambitions, hopes and dreams"

Definitely have my vote for Taoiseach/President and convinced capable of selling sand to the Arabs :) Good luck with the list.
CGorman said:
I'm never voting for Mary O'Rourke (i've always hated her)
As it happens she doesn't need anybody's vote in order to [broken link removed] a position of power.
I see where a headmaster in the UK somewhere made hoodies part of the school uniform! Their use is now compulsory at the school. It seems most of the kids take them off at the earliest opportunity.

Shame about Noonan though I thought he was a good egg.

Whats a hoodie? Are Runners Trainers? I so enjoy no longer being part of yoof culture. Voted into power Hmmm....an interesting concept.
What's the basic difference between a hoodie and a raincoat with a hood? Is he going to ban those next. I don't want a cold, wet head and I hate umbrellas. If it's chucking down rain, I'll probably have a cap on to try and keep the worst of the rain off my face, and I'll definitely have the hood up on my raincoat. Result : I'm a big, nasty, intimidating 30-something.
I must admit that I do wear a hoodie from time to time on cold days. It keeps the ears comfortable.
Well they ask people to remove motor cycle helmets before entering premises so that people can be identified on CCTV cameras.
Hoodies, which I cannot stand by the way, should be OK once the hood is down.
Why would anyone need to have their hood up in a shopping centre anyway those places are ususally unnaturally warm......
I would imagine that the reason many shoplifters wear hoodies is to obscure their faces.......
Not saying all hoodie wearers are shoplifters but how do shops distinguish between good hoodie wearers and those out to steal from them.....
Michael Noonan has just been on the Ryan Tubridy show. He says that he wouldn't like to see "hoodies" banned per se but he would like to see shopping centres and the like introducing a policy whereby a person entering such a centre must remove the hood so that they can be identified, much like a motorcyclist must remove their helmet when entering some business premises. Sounds reasonable to me. Anyone who feels this is unreasonable or a violation of civil liberties has obviously never been intimidated by a group of hooded "yoofs" loitering around shopping centres etc. Not a huge problem for me but I know a lot of women and older people are intimidated by such groups.
Bamhan said:
Why would anyone need to have their hood up in a shopping centre anyway those places are ususally unnaturally warm......

Maybe for the same reasons that ladies wear hats of all kinds in shopping centres, or gentlemen wear hats or caps as well. Because they want to.

If you're banning people wearing hoodies, ban all people from wearing headgear inside shopping centres rather than singling out a minority.

Have ye never seen the FBD advert where the couple in the shop are focusing their attention on the young lad only to be robbed by the granny. She was wearing a hat too if I remember.
ronan_d_john said:
Have ye never seen the FBD advert where the couple in the shop are focusing their attention on the young lad only to be robbed by the granny. She was wearing a hat too if I remember.
Yeah - but that lad wasn't a hoodie, he was a chav. :)
I think the nub of the arguement is that hoodies (unlike hats/ caps other headgear) make identification of a persons face very difficult. The arguement about discrimination is a non issue- the issue is one of identification. As a by the way does anyone know why the artist "Rashers" insists on wearing a baseball cap anytime he's on the box? He's a fantastic artist, is obviously going places and is articulate- but it's a pity we can't see his face!
Carpenter said:
I think the nub of the arguement is that hoodies (unlike hats/ caps other headgear) make identification of a persons face very difficult.


He's a fantastic artist, is obviously going places and is articulate- but it's a pity we can't see his face!
I thought you said that hats/caps didn't make identification difficult! :D
Carpenter said:
.. by the way does anyone know why the artist "Rashers" insists on wearing a baseball cap anytime he's on the box?


But when I saw him on The Panel wearing a Von Dutch truckers cap, I thought he was trying too hard to establish/maintain his chav cred ;) ?
ronan_d_john said:
If you're banning people wearing hoodies, ban all people from wearing headgear inside shopping centres rather than singling out a minority.
How can you consider hoodie wearers a minority.......they are everywhere you look......
Carpenter said:
I think the nub of the arguement is that hoodies (unlike hats/ caps other headgear) make identification of a persons face very difficult. The arguement about discrimination is a non issue- the issue is one of identification. As a by the way does anyone know why the artist "Rashers" insists on wearing a baseball cap anytime he's on the box? He's a fantastic artist, is obviously going places and is articulate- but it's a pity we can't see his face!

Doesn't the last part of your post above contradict your first part. If a bloke is wearing a baseball cap on tv, and "it's a pity we can't see his face!", then isn't this too an issue of identification?

Therefore, if you can't identify someone because they're wearing a baseball cap, or a hoodie, and you're banning hoodies and not baseball caps, then it is an issue of discrimination.

Bamhan said:
How can you consider hoodie wearers a minority.......they are everywhere you look......

Did you forget to leave out a smiley face there or something. I'm hoping you're not serious with that comment.

I'm looking around me now. About 100 people and not one hoodie. Then again, I'm not living in Limerick with Michael Noonan.