Means tested disability allowance


Registered User
At what point does a persons income impact their means tested Disability allowance?

I know that Deeds of Covenants are factored into a means test but given that this persons only other source of income is a covenanted 5k, would this impact their DA?
See below from Citizens Information

Means test
Disability Allowance is a means-tested payment. To get the allowance your total assessed means must be below a certain amount. The main items that count as means are:
  • Cash income that you or your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant may have. More information is available in our document about cash income not included in the means test.
  • Capital, for example, the value of savings, investments, shares or any property you may have (other than your own home). However, the first €50,000 of any capital you have is not taken into account. More information is available in our document about capital and social welfare payments.
  • Maintenance paid to you. More information is available in our document about how maintenance is assessed as means.
Thanks Freemar. So if an individuals only means other, than the disability allowance, is 5k or approx €90 per week - does this mean their allowance is reduced by 90 per week?

Or can an individual have means to a certain amount before its factored into the means test?
As far as I know the means test is complex and varies from payment to payment but I don't know if €90 income automatically means that €90 is deduced.

Your means under the various headings (for example, cash income, employment and capital) are added together to find your total means. For most means-tested payments, the rate of social welfare payment you can get, if any, is reduced on a sliding scale according to your means.
Thanks again for that. The Department replied to my email to say that €90 per wk income reduced it by €90.