When you get triaged in A&E, you might get sent back to sit on the benches and wait to be called, or if judged quite ill, sent straight in to a bed/cubicle/armchair/plastic chair to wait for the doctor. Either way the wait is very long, and you do not get updates on when you will be next moved to another stage in the journey (tests, see a doctor, porter moving you to some other location).
On my last visit to A&E with a sick relative, he was quickly judged very ill by the triage nurse, and while already in a wheel chair, wheeled in to wait for the doctor. I went in as well to look after basic needs. We waited over 12 hours before he got upgraded to an armchair, and just short of 24 before he was put on a trolley. During this time I was not allowed to sit, as the situation in A&E was so bad that only patients were permitted the plastic chairs. About every 40 minutes a nurse came by and asked anyone who wasn't a patient to stand up, and then she and a porter gathered up the chairs for sick people.
A&E is a serious place to be, and indeed many people might think of attending for care that could be delivered better elsewhere, but I'm willing to bet that anyone who's been through it once will try any other care path first before going in for a second go.