I think that is because it is baloney. I read about this months back and the
snopes website has a good article on it.
It is ludicrous to think that someone could get this far in a presidential election without having the necessary qualifications. If this were true, his oponents would be over it faster than any past dealings with a 60's dissident (or terrorist as they call them these days...

There appears to be 2 issues.
1. Allegation that he was born in Mombassa, Kenya which would make him ineligible. The certificate he produced from Hawaii is just a certificate of eligibility for US citizenship which has no more status than the foreign birth register that Ireland has. Having US citizenship does not make him eligible for President - he needs to be born in the USA.
2. Evidence that, as a child, he was adopted by his Indonesian step-father. Under adoption laws, a child who is adopted abroad is regarded as being born in the adopted parents country and loses their right to citizenship in their previous country.
It is ludicrous to think that someone could get this far in a presidential election without having the necessary qualifications. If this were true, his oponents would be over it faster than any past dealings with a 60's dissident (or terrorist as they call them these days...

This is currently going through the Courts in the US. There was a hearing as few days ago in which Obama was ordered by a Judge to produce his birth certificate. Instead of producing the birth certificate thus ending the case in Obama's favour, his lawyers are now appealing the decision and trying to get the case thrown out on a technicality. This approach to the case is suspect for obvious reasons.
[broken link removed]
Republicans are afraid to bring this up in the campaign in case it backfires and they are seen as trying to win an election on technicalities. However, once polling is over and if Obama wins, you can guarantee we'll have a bunch of court cases that will make "hanging chads" look like a walk in the park.
I think that is because it is baloney. I read about this months back
Whereas rumours were circulating a few months back, nothing solid was known. They also seemed to concentrate on the issue of Hawaiis acceptance as a US State, which is not an issue in the Court cases. The Court cases are claiming that Obama was NOT born in Hawaii or any other US State or territory. In the State of Hawaii, birth certs are confidential - only released to people named on them (child/parents) or next of kin, so unlike Ireland, a member of the public cannot apply for one to check. The Court case is real and current - had hearings within the past week.