Maternity leave with 2 jobs


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We are shortly due our second child and my wife due to go on maternity leave.

She has two forms of employment
1. PAYE main employer public sector
2. Consulting for another employer but also PAYE private sector

Breakdown 80/20 income

She is getting full maternity benefits from main employer but plans to keep on consulting work for 2nd employer. while on maternity leave. Her consulting role has no maternity benefit. Her main employer allows her consulting role.

Will this be an issue from a maternity benefit point of view from Department social protection?

My understanding is that she cannot continue to work for her main employer while on maternity leave.

Is other add hoc work allowed for her consultancy role? We are talking 4/5 days In total for the 6 months she will be on maternity leave?

Much of the work she does for her consultancy role is done prior to her going on maternity leave but she will be paid while on leave (hope that makes sense)

It’s an important role for her which involves important industry links that she doesn’t want to lose. It’s also well paid.

When we had our first child her main employer was the consultancy role and she could not work for them while on maternity leave as the DSP benefit was through them.

Appreciate any thoughts/advice
Paid employment whilst in receipt of maternity benefit is a no-no. The whole reason the tax payer provides this benefit is to support the mother to take time off from work.

"You can do voluntary work, public representative work (for example, a councillor or TD) and courses of education while you are getting Maternity Benefit. However, your payment will be stopped if you engage in insurable (paid) employment."
Paid employment whilst in receipt of maternity benefit is a no-no. The whole reason the tax payer provides this benefit is to support the mother to take time off from work.

"You can do voluntary work, public representative work (for example, a councillor or TD) and courses of education while you are getting Maternity Benefit. However, your payment will be stopped if you engage in insurable (paid) employment."
Many thanks. That’s what I initially thought but wasn’t sure how it worked with 2 employers