Mary Coughlan performance as Employment Minister

Its not just Mary thats incompetent....its the whole seebang unfortunately

I don't think they are all nearly as bad as her, she's special.
It now seems that she played a blinder in keeping 500 jobs out of the country... dis she read her brief when she took the post?
True, but she was directly responsible for approving Rody's payoff.
And for hundreds of Ryanair jobs heading for Bonny Scotland . If her hand was being forced, she should say so. Or have the cojones to return to her original profession.
And for hundreds of Ryanair jobs heading for Bonny Scotland . If her hand was being forced, she should say so. Or have the cojones to return to her original profession.
Don't believe everything O'Leary says. If there was money in it for Ryanair, he'd have found a way to make the deal happen before now. Watch out for much drama over the next few days, followed by a 'throw the toys out of the pram' trantrum from MO'L blaming the world for his woes.
No, I don't believe all he says but I take all he says onboard. Mary O Rourke's agenda in the old days fuelled this argy-bargy. The idea of the government not wanting to interfere in third party business is, if it weren't so serious, laughable. The government interfere quite a lot in these things. If that was any other firm, all the stops would be pulled out. And what are FG doing? They should state what they see as right. This is in the national interest.

Complainer, I feel the same way about Mr. O' Leary. The King of Spin. And he has the country in a tail spin over it!
#And what are FG doing? They should state what they see as right. This is in the national interest.

+1... I fear the horse will have bolted before FG state what is right... (note I have no preference FF or FG).. but they spend most of their time whinging in the dail and never seem to agree on what it best for the country.
Yep, I don't trust Michael O'Leary either. Michael O'Leary is good for Michael O'Leary.
We dont have to like or trust Michael O Leary, but the 500 people out of work might like the government to make an effort to meet him and see if this is for real and if they can get a job from him.
Yep, I don't trust Michael O'Leary either. Michael O'Leary is good for Michael O'Leary.
What exactly don't you like about O Leary? His abrasive attitude? His straightforwardness? His success in building a low-cost airline into the world's biggest low-cost airline? Managing to grow the business almost every year since he took over? Or perhaps you like the old days better - when a trip to London was the equivelent of three weeks wages! Lots of people don't like O Leary but when asked to articulate their hate ........... it is usually because of believing what they read in the papers, government spin, believing Airport Authority and Aer Lingus halftruths, hissy fits at boarding gates (all the rules and regs are clearly stated on the web site) or not being able to think independently. And as for "O Leary being good for O Leary"? Jeez, has he not done air travellers a very big favour?
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The sticking point seems to be hanger 6. It look like O'Leary specifically wants this one for heavy maintanence although it is currently owned by Aer Lingus and they do all their heavy work in France now.
There may be more to it, but on the radio yesterday many ex-SR technic workers backed O'Leary and believed his version of events. Anyone interviewed said they would be happy to work for him.
What exactly don't you like about O Leary? His abrasive attitude? His straightforwardness? His success in building a low-cost airline into the world's biggest low-cost airline? Managing to grow the business almost every year since he took over?

I don't mind any of the above. Not the biggest fan of his abrasive attitude but thats neither here nor there.

Or perhaps you like the old days better - when a trip to London was the equivelent of three weeks wages!

Don't remember the bad old days... too young !

Lots of people don't like O Leary but when asked to articulate their hate ...........

I don't hate him. I don't believe he acts in anyones interests other than his/Ryanairs. He is a great businessman not a champion of the people.

Some specifics re the hangar 6 issue that make me sceptical of his true intentions...
1) did Ryanair try to secure it after SRT vacated it ? If not, why not ?
2) Is hangar 6 the only suitable hangar on the campus for what Ryanair want to do ?
3) is this just a roundabout tactic for getting a subsidy for setting up an operation in Dublin Airport ?

I often travel Ryanair and have no problems with their hidden charges (I don't think they're hidden), their customer service (have always had pleasant interactions with their staff) or their aircraft (I don't need a 1st class seat for a 1 hr flight).
I'm a fan of Ryanair in that I hate to fly with them but love the reduced fairs at Aer Lingus that have ensued.
Aparently hangar 6 is the issue. The DAA have alegedly offered to build him a new one but he refused. This looks like a strategic play to weaken Aer Lingus IMO. The jobs are the carrot.
We have known for a long time that Ms Coughlan is out of her depth, but no amount of moaning here on AAM or elsewhere will have any impact on her career. She is in the job for poiltical reasons.
People don't have to like or trust Michael O' Leary but the simpe question that needs to be answered is why after Ryanair made the offer of creating 500 jobs, there wasn't a high level team from the Government and the relevant agencies camping at his door to get in to see him to see what the problem was. I bet if it involved a trip abroad to Silicon Valley, there would have a been trade mission organised. Instead she writes him a couple of letters.
We have known for a long time that Ms Coughlan is out of her depth, but no amount of moaning here on AAM or elsewhere will have any impact on her career. She is in the job for poiltical reasons.

Fair point, Slash, but I think she'll be moved soon, sideways, at least, because more and more, she's becoming the story and governments don't like situations like that.
She is useless. One of the biggest failures of Cowen is to not move her from that portfollio. She is totally out of her depth.
Sweet This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, she is terrible, an embarassment and damning reflection on the state of politics
I bet if it involved a trip abroad to Silicon Valley, there would have a been trade mission organised. Instead she writes him a couple of letters.

I bet if John O'Donohue was minister this would have been organised in a jiffy!