Marriage Proposal

Good luck Heather - when I was asked my BF was seriously seriously nervous and just ended up spitting it out (the proposal that is, not the ring) while we were out having a drink the night before my birthday..... just being asked is such a brilliant thing, she'll be thrilled..

do let us know how you get on :)

Further to the dowry query, when my son got married down in Natal he presented his father-in-law with a porcelain cow. In S Africa the groom pays "lobola", normally in the form of cattle, to the bride's family.
Does his father in law talk to him at this stage? I hear time is a great healer.
Sadly, my daughter-in-law lost her father, grandfather and grandmother within a six week period last year.
I think a nice picnic with nice food some wine and a big ring should do the trick
I'm now happily engaged, dinner and a bottle of champers and a walk along the liffey (clean stretch in Kilcullen!!) did the trick. Now anyone got any ideas how to come up with 30k in a year?!?!?! Looks like the bmw may have to go!!
BillK said:
Sadly, my daughter-in-law lost her father, grandfather and grandmother within a six week period last year.

Hi Bill,

Sorry to hear this. It must have been very hard on her to lose 3 relatives in such a short space of time. Hope she is coming to terms with the loss.

Heather, congratulations, I was wondering how you'd gotten on!

Good luck with saving for the wedding :)


Don't automatically assume you have to do the 30k wedding thing.
If it's what you both really want ,fine ,but I find people get carried away and don't actually think about the whole wedding thing....