Marketing question - flyers or pencils?


Registered User
I am involved in a debate with a friend of mine on this matter. We developed a website - so far it is only a fun site but we wanted to promote it nonetheless.

He is saying that handing out flyers to people going to GAA games is the way to go (it is a Gaelic Game site). I am of the opinion that people are sick of flyers and that printing a few thousand pencils with the URL on them would be better. He says people going to matches won't want pencils. But I doubt they'd want flyers either, even if they are in colour and look good. At least pencils are useful.
So we are at loggerheads.
What do ye think?
What about pens or Key rings? My father has a business and he got a load of key ring made and gave them away - he seems to think it was pretty successful. Key rings could be a bit pricey.
I agree with you, I would probably throw away a flyer - much better chance of me holding on to a pencil (or even preferably a pen).
What about flashing mobile phone stickers (they work on phones with an internal antenna and flash when sending or receiving calls or messages)?

A pencil or flyer will be discarded, you'll be fined for littering if the flyers are thrown on the street, but the sticker will always stay stuck to the phone, which is in everyday use.

Everyone has a mobile and if your target market is teens and children, they'll love them.

You can have them made in China with your own logo / message on them, although it has to be quite small, and they're fairly cheap to produce, anything from USD0.10 to USD0.30 per piece depending on the quantity you order.
shnaek said:
I am involved in a debate with a friend of mine on this matter. We developed a website - so far it is only a fun site but we wanted to promote it nonetheless.

He is saying that handing out flyers to people going to GAA games is the way to go (it is a Gaelic Game site). I am of the opinion that people are sick of flyers and that printing a few thousand pencils with the URL on them would be better. He says people going to matches won't want pencils. But I doubt they'd want flyers either, even if they are in colour and look good. At least pencils are useful.
So we are at loggerheads.
What do ye think?

How about getting the pencils done in the county colours of the playing teams (one for each team of course). A cork man will never throw anyway anything red and white ;-)
There are some great suggestions there. I'll definitely look into them. It's all a matter of cost too. It's our own money we are putting into it as it is a free site at the mo - just for the fun of it.
Don't go for the flyers - definitely a littering problem. And do make sure your site hosts can support a pile of new users hitting the site over the next few hours/days.