You’re entitled to the budget - only directors are entitled to the bills - if you want more detail you need to attend the AGM and become a director.
With all due respect running around getting quotes isn’t going to get you any favour from the current directors for example with insurance - you don’t know what claims have been made or other significant details which could have increased the price of the insurance - there may well be issues of ‘preferred suppliers’ and not shopping around but until you’re a director you won’t know the full story behind costs and charges as members aren’t told every aspect of what is going on. Only solution is to to the AGM and become a director yourself and then you can see what’s what and look at improvements as necessary
Ok can I request the bills then, as I'm paying for these with my management fee.
With all due respect, I'm not looking for any favours with current directors. I'm just looking for our money to be spent in the most efficient way. And to have as much money diverted to our almost non existent sinking fund. I'm happy to keep mgmt fee the same.
If I take external window cleaning all quotes I received were €300 - €400 cheaper. Following a site visit, with same visits per year.
Internal cleaning is currently costing €13000. All quotes I received are for between €6000 and €6500. I have also found out that the company the agent uses is an internal company to them. I'm getting these quotes following site visits and frequency of cleaning. One company cleans were my brother and his wife lives. They do an excellent job since he bought there.
Lift maintenance including fixed lines for emergency, all quotes were 30% - 40% less with same frequency of visits. This too follows sites visits in case of issues with the lift type we have.
Refuse collection quotes for same frequency of collection, same no of recycle and waste bin was €500 cheaper. This too followed a site visit by them.
And I can go on
So with due respect why are the current directors not doing this, instead of worrying about me doing them "favours" as you put it.
At the AGM the agent said to the floor that he didnt think it would be a good idea for me to become a director as he felt there was a clash of personalities with me and one of the directors.
I didnt think this was appropriate for him to do. Was this against the rules even? So I've been effectively black listed now from becoming a director for the foreseeable future.
In fact the real reason, is that the agent is worried to have someone as a director who will upset his income stream from his suppliers and contracts.