The answer seems to be it depends. To remove a 5kWh battery from my quote was -€1250…. great, I’ll add a second, I said… that’ll be +€2,250 then. Wholesaler discount passed on, yadda, yadda.How much does a battery cost, how long does it perform at it's max, and how long until it realistically needs replacing..?
I see the same unit advertised at €1400+ VAT.
But, I ordered a GobelPower 15kWh battery from China (good rep, see OffGridGarage on YouTube) delivered duty paid for €2300, albeit shipment takes 2-3 months.
Batteries are generally warrantied to retain min 80% capacity for 6000-10000 cycles, so 15+ years at average of 1 cycle per day.
The real value is they protect your Solar PV investment by giving you options - either buy-low-sell-high when gap between night/EV-rate and export rate is favourable (as it generally is currently) or maximise self-consumption if/when it’s not.