Major Problems with buying a home

Would the other end of terrace house that was suggested to you be an option? Does it have a side entrace etc? If that house is an option for you then I would go for it as I presume you still like the estate etc and just want this situation sorted. Or is it likely to have the same outcome regarding the side wall of the house (which really sounds to me like there would be privacy issues)? Also, was the house you were buying more expensive as it was end of terrace? I have noticed that this can often be the case with new developments. I hope things work out for you, its very difficult when you encounter things like this as an ftb 'cos its all completely new to you.
Lor You mentioned that the solicitor was acting for many in the estate. Does this mean that the same solicitor was / is acting for the developer and the purchasers. If this is the case, it is not allowed as there would be a conflict of interest.
Hi Deedee,

Well that is what we are looking into now, the other house is perfect. Plus the sales guy has said he is trying to sort our the release from the contract and once that happens we can hav the other house. I am in a situation where I need to b in asap. To b honest, the way the market is at the moment we didnt pay extra for an end of terrace, it would have worked out better for us if we did as that would be a mojor ting to fight against. Im glad you c my problem with having two back gardens coming onto my house.
Hi Mercman,

No, basically what happens is the sales guy puts a lot of business her way. But she is not acting on their behalf or the investors. But I just feel that because they pass her a lot of business she wont fight for us...
Well basically you are her client and she must act on instructions issued by you. Failing this she is not acting in your interests and is acting outside her remit.
Does this mean that the same solicitor was / is acting for the developer and the purchasers. If this is the case, it is not allowed as there would be a conflict of interest.

Do you mean "not legally allowed" or rather "not recommended"?
Not Allowed. Very simply, it is against Law Society Rules for the same Solicitor to act for the seller and purchaser in the same / one transaction.