Lymewood Mews

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Hi Ginger,

Well I had a look at the bottom floor while I visited the area, I am on the top floor corner apartment 2 bed Type A....

Was looking the living room looked alot smaller than the plans, I think the orginal plans was for a 85.5sq metre apartment, 918sq feet or so....

Just wondering if it just because of the fact that there was no furniture in it that it made it look small or did anyone else find that it is smaller then they thought? Even the bedrooms look smaller...
hi everyone,

Lucky & jdwex, i dont want to get off on a bad foot. I really dont.
I would like this to be a good experience for everyone, so why dont we call a truce & move on from here, ok?.......

hi hokey32 - glad you came back into the forum. In my old apmt complex in city centre we had only 24 apmts, which were all owner-occupiers to begin with but 8 years later only 4 owners remained, the rest are all rented. So its hard to say about LWM. We'll get a good idea at the next management, owner or AGM meeting.

newkid30 - so glad to hear you posting again. Love your optimism too! Aren't the sunrises fabulous? Will be going for a jog in our 100-acre "backgarden" over the weekend. yipppppeeee

Lucky - I can totally understand you being frustrated if things aren't working right in your apmt. That can be very stressful. I know, from past experience, that when theres alot of negative around its hard to see the positive. So im glad to hear you say you like living in LWM. Thats briliant! There will be light at the end of the tunnel. On another note Lucky, where is the bar going to be? inside Holiday inn or stand-alone? Do you know when?

monkeyboy - i totally agree. We are all sitting on a gold-mine, I find the apmts are finished to a high quality spec as well. Ive been in other apmt complexes and some look & feel like prisions. I love coming home every nite! Its a pleasure.

Have a good weekend.
p.s. easyrider - when i first moved in, i thought my apmt was really tiny too! but once i started putting furniture in, it seem to get bigger??? I know that doesnt make sense but it does actually look big now.
Is it one of the corner apartments where the corner is at a wide angle?

Ours is and I thought the rooms looked quite small till we put furniture in too, now I can't believe all the space we have!

Hope that puts your mind at rest...
i got a corner apartment.

i did the snag only a few days ago though, i haven't moved in yet.

i've never bought a place before. i didn't really appreciate the brilliance of a corner apartment until the block was built - nobody on any side of you when your in the living room!! (if you count the kitchen as a room).

i'm very happy with the space, i think the place is huge compared to some friends places i've seen - although, (and i'm not trying to be negative or complaining!) i wouldn't have minded sacrificing a small bit of the living room or bathroom for a tiny bit bigger bedroom - but i'm very happy wiht it.

by the way - the letter i got telling me to do my snag was a fairly serious one - threats of interest being charged if i didn't do my snag on time etc - i'm sure thats standard so no worries there - but the letter said that lyndonbarry would (endevour or something like that - it wasn't a committing word) get the snag fixed within 7 working days of receipt. however, the nice girl on the phone, emma i think, told me when i rang that it would be 2 to 3 weeks.

happy - i read all your posts, fair play to you - i work with a lot of people and the happy positive ones are always the best! i've posted a few negative things on here - and i've learned a load about the complex overall from other peoples comments so i appreciate hearing all the negatives.

i only found this by accident very recently and i read though nearly all of it and i thought that Lucky has been very good really, she's put a lot of time into helping out other people with their queries etc - even though she's moved in ages ago she's still providing info to the likes of myself who hasn't - so thats very much appreciated.

i dont think the thread wouldn't be that interesting if it was all about how wonderfull the place is (mind you, maybe we should start going that way and add even more value to the place!) i think it goes without saying that everyone likes the place, otherwise they'd sell up, make a tidy profit and move on!

as for someone's suggestion that the management fees be spread equally by apartments rather than size, i doubt that would be a runner? it was in the contract that everyone must have signed so it would be hard to get out of that now. i better lay my cards out here! - i'm in a one bed so i certainly wouldn't be fond of upping my fees to compensate for people in two or three beds - i know you said your on your own so its not great for you - but i'd say a lot of the other 2 and 3 beds have more than one person in them and can split the charges? would that be a fair comment? you must have signed a contract which said you'd pay a certain multiple of the fee because of the size of the apartment?

good to see everyone's made up with each other, it was getting a wee bit worrying there for a while!
Hi all I just want to query everybodies experiences with noise:

Would I be correct in saying the people who are suffering have wooden floors and the alleged offenders also?

There is no point getting any acoustic measuring engineers involved as a solid floor on solid conc slab is always going to conduct sound very well. Our walls are solid block, laid on the flat ( so we get max thickness ), with a cavity on both sides covered in plaster board. Go ahead hang a shelf on your neighbouring wall:
Plaster board,
Then air cavity
Then soild block
and the same on the other side
You wont get better than that in residential build.
Our floor slabs also, are 350/450 thick solid concrete. Sound will get through for sure with flooring not a hope with a soft floor finish though.................... You need sound insulators ( carpet ) not condutors ( solids. ie. flooring )
This is the reason why we are asked not put down wooden floors!!

PS Happy, this could be a big factor why you have poor mobile reception.... The solid walls and floor around you, only answer is the balcony. If it is still poor it just means your operator has not got very good coverage in this area yet.

Timber floors turn conc and block rooms into amplifiers!
Try carpet in your main bedroom 3/400e will get a nice one fitted with underlay.. you will see a huge difference! Not to mention the cosy and warm under foot feeling. So much nicer than a cold hard floor.
I guess you can tell be now I am pro carpet..I strongly advise carpet for the bedrooms at least.
We hear nothing that bothers us from below and the slight noise we do here would be non existant if they did not have floors.
For those of you not fitted yet Consider carefully....Timber floors are a passing fad. In 5 years when everyone realises how Sh*t for purpose they really are, they will be getting ripped UP! Might be about the same time the Metro goes by, 09 according to the propaganda, but when did a major state project get built on time.

PS ...Cant wait to attend this Mgt Co Meeting, its going to be such great drama! a night out not to be missed!
Ciao all.
Hey Vlad! totally agree these gaffs are palatial compared to all my mates in size! If you have noticed the planning authority are now taking a tough stand on min area. They have rejected a few high profile S.side developments as the average units were too small.
Hi all,

With regards to the pub, it is proposed for at the swords road entrance right beside Little Venice ( completely separate from the hotel ) - cant say if the planning permission has been granted yet but will check it out and let you know. I had heard that it was supposed to be ready towards the middle of summer - anyway, not entirely sure yet, so leave it with me!

Thanks for the compliments Vlad - any sign of a date for the big move?? Bet you cannot wait at this stage. If you're anything like us, for the first few weeks, we kept thinking we were on holiday and that a rep was gonna come along and tell us that the coach was here for the flight Ha ha!! Dont forget about all the contact details everyone has given with regards to blinds / curtains etc etc. FYI, I didn't go with Crumlin Blinds as I'd never heard of them until now, but by everyone elses accounts, they seem to be on the button for value for money!

Could'nt agree more on the carpets in the bedrooms, Monkeyboy, especially in these recent cold mornings!!! Had a good laugh with your comments on the first meeting, should be some craic indeed! A few swifties prior to kick off might be the order of the day just to get the adrenalin going ( lol ) :0)
no lucky, no word on when i'll be moving in. its taken so long at this stage that nothing would surprise me! funny about the holiday rep thing!! - i hope thats because your so happy with the place its like your on holidays?? - as opposed to that you think your on hoidays in a chepo apartment block cos you've started to hear the neighbours shagging!! (it was yourself that was worried about that? if not, sorry!)

oh - by the way - i know someone who used the aforementioned blind company!!

they allegedly, when hanging blinds, drilled into the window frames to mount the brackets for hanging the blinds - maybe that was necessary - but the person i spoke to was later advised (not by a blinds expert - by your average know it all!!) that they should have drilled into the walls for the brackets as opposed to the window frame. anyway, no big deal.

monkeyboy (great name!) - i didn't know that about the planning stuff. I've been reading through all the property pages the last two years though since i bought this place and it has struck me that our apartments are huge - the one beds are bigger than a surprising number of 2 bed new developments out there (one that springs to mind is the gaswords - 2 bed starting at 540k i think - only 600sqft). and anywya, when i stood in the living room, i know its empty, but it seemed huge.

whats all this about other people's apartments getting bigger when they put loads of furniture in?!! that sounds mad. i always thought it was the other way around?! anyway, hopefully that'll happen in my case too.
Howra Lucky.I cannot see a pub being ready this side of summer any where! if they have not even set up site yet.Im pretty sure it is the same developer as Mandalay as I doubt there are 2 barsplanned for that small area. The Crowne is great for a drink any way in the meanwhile.

A few bits of info I dug out also to share:

There is planning in adjacent the statoil for student res with a GF pub.
The Northwood office development also has a neighbourhoood centre with a retail unit that is sold already, it is big enough for a tesco/Supervalu etc..This is located near and opposite the gym.

The Apartments near the Santry Ave, Hazelwood are mostly sold now. They are all 4 bed student type res units. My girlfriends boss is selling these and apparently they are ready to go therfore the gates opened soon. But definitely the summer ahead of college term. Handy access to ALDI. They are buy and lease back type deals where you must rent them to DCU for the first 5 years.

Yeah Vlad once the furniture goes into the living room it is still HUGE. They are great. Some of the 2 beds though do suffer from a slightly smaller bedrooms than you would want as you said. Ours is a type C and both rooms have double bed and bed side lockers and room to spare. There really is some poky stuff out there in other developments. My mate has a place in Kilmainham where in the main bedroom you have to struggle to walk around the bed and the spare room needs the bed in the corner. He paid 280k 3 years ago for that and paid STAMP to boot!! SUCKER!!!!
That SMurfit site in Glasnevin is one that got rejected planning due to oversmall units and too many 1 beds in the make up.
Any concrete info on the car park anybody?? Emma told me before christmas that it would be " before christmas"! Most spaces are marked out and all the pedestrian gates are working. You can get out them but I dont know the code back in. Its not 1234 any way! The only reason I can thnk now for the delay is that the builder uses the far end for storage and its a security thing. But thats not on having to wait til March and beyond for them to pull off site.

Any way im off rabbit hunting now! Stew for tea, what a weekend past time for Dublin City!
ciao all
Hows it going lads,

I tell ya, you're all in some form today, great bit of banter!! No Vlad, not coz we felt we were in a kippy apt in the Ponza but basically coz we've been renting for the last ten years ( house sharing and all that! ), that we thought, holy sh*t, where is everyone???? It was like being on hols, still is to be fair!!! ( and Nope, we've not heard them shagging yet, just peeing - and I'm not taking the p*ss ( sorry lads, could'nt resist ha ha! ) Poor guys though, if I thought someone could hear me ( and they possibly can! ), I'd be mortified!
Dunno about the blinds, just looking there and to be different, of course, ours were drilled into the ceiling. Now, thats for all windows besides the balcony one as we're going for the curtains there!!
Is true about the apt size, went to loads before we bought here and these are definitely the biggest we came across for both one and two beds and yeah, for some strange reason, when its just the shell, you actually start worrying if your furniture is going to fit, but its true, when it all starts going in, the place starts looking really spacious - any day now, you'll be in and you'll see it for yourself!
Thanks for the info Monkeyboy, will check all details about that alleged site for the pub on Monday and keep you posted! Yeah, the Crowne is a good aul spot for a few jars and a bite, great location for us!
Have'nt a clue on the car park, we only have the one ourselves! Did you buy a second for investment or is yours just underground?
Speaking of the rabbits, now no laughing, but I nearly killed one myself the night before last, coming in from the Ballymun entrance, minding my own business, singing along to a few tunes and suddenly, what the f***, had to jam on, hadn't a clue what the hell it was and as it looked up at me, as if to say 'effing drivers' it just hopped off, if the deed had been done, dare I say it, I could have saved you the hunt this evening!!! ( only messing, of course!!!!!!! )

Loving the name too, girlfriend have any say on it????? Or just related to ones weekend passtimes??? LOL

Have a good one!
And for those who like their food-plenty of rabbits around...
seriously though, Zao in Santry is excellent, and do deliverys Mon-Thursday now. Don't waste your time on Little Venice, probably the worst meal I've had in the last two years. Enough grease to fix your squeeky doors!
[broken link removed]

Hi All
Just Joined this post so not sure if of use but if u check the above link it give you the overall plan at present for the Northwood development. If you check the overview /master plan links it gives a map. According to this there is plan at allegedly for a bar/Restaurant opposite the shops across from the gym probably idea to serve the office park when built as well as residents might not be built for a while yet !!
There is also meant to be a good restaurant on the old swords road , not Little Venice!! can’t think of it name now but will get it and post also there is planning app in for a Lidal Supermarket on this road.
Anyone know what they are building beside the old folks home across for Lymewood was up there the other day and noticed new hoarding gone up is it part of the retail park or sports clinic that there was a planning app in for ?
The Badger

Good morning!

Anyone have any idea what shops are going into the retail park accross the way?

I was wondering the same thing hokey, about the shops in the retail park - can't find any info on it.

Also had a look at the roof garden in block C - very nice - I didn't even know it existed until I read it on here and have been living there for nearly 4 months now!

Anyone know exactly when the gym is opening?

I have to agree with the others, when we were looking at apts, LWM were much bigger than everywhere else and the spec much better too. Think we had a good buy, even if we had to wait 2 years for it.


I'm new to this forum but I'm moving into Block A of Lymewood Mews in the next few weeks. We snagged it last week. I'm wondering how long the builders took to finish the snag lists once people handed them in? Ours was 8 pages long!

Also, we're on the third floor and being quoted 1982.87 annual management fee! Is it just me or is that a weird and ridiculous amount? Is anyone interested in kicking out the management company next year and hiring one that won't charge people as much?


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