Lymewood Mews

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Hi Lucky & Jdwex, I cant believe what im hearing. No disrespect but I'm really upset at both of your responses & tones. It took alot of time for me to write up this info and to make sure it was accurate and i only spoke 1 time from personal experience (re previous management co's). Big deal. Its great to share experiences. Isnt that what this forum is about? Noises, Creaky doors, bad plumbing.... its all everyones experience. You both should be happy that residents are taking an interest in whats going on in LWM. But instead your giving out???? Its sounds like its either your opinion(s) or no ones!!! Thats not fair.....

To jdwex, you are correct in what you say RE Maint & Metro (not LUAS)but you could say it in a nicer tone than that. Theres no need to be nasty & self righteous. I should have been more accurate. You're right it is for maintenence but its also incase, dare i say it without panicking people, the insurance company doesnt pay fully for a claim. If they paid for 99% of a claim we would use the sinking fund to pay for the other 1%. But this is definetly an exceptional circumstance (i.e. "an emergency") and not the general rule.

So there is obviously no room for openly expressing your opinions on this forum. Its seem very one sided. Sorry to see this. Sorry but i really dont need this grief. Happy, is not happy, and im signing off for good! Good luck

I was trying to bring something positive to this forum, to what i thought was going to be a "wonderful experience". No chance.

Well i hope other residents will appreciate this information & get some use from this info.
Happy, welcome to the forum!!

Much appreciate info and your opinions re-management agents. As residents we need to be aware of our rights, etc. We should give WYSE a fair go and after a certain period review their performance?

Good for all of us on forum to have access to positive and negative feedback and to have good atmosphere within the complex.

Hi Happy

That was a great post, well done. Very informative, clear and concise.

Just a small thing, as far as I can make out, I think you do have Blocks A & C mixed up - the break-ins were in Block C which is the Block furthest away from the Ballymun side of the complex. Block C has been finished since end October (well that's when we moved in anyway). As far as I know there was just the one break-in (which I posted about). Speaking of that, I think the front door is broken again - it doesn't seem to close properly?

But listen, that's a tiny tiny thing - fab post - much appreciated. I guess people will always be more concerned and post about things that are worrying them or things they don't like about places, not things they do like - sure if they liked everything there'd be no need for this forum ; )

PS: Mandalay is fab - have been there several times and could highly recommend it - both chinese and thai food - yum
Thanks you all schoko, newkid30, & muffin1793 for your great feedback. Much appreciated. All your comments made this experience worthwhile.

Schoko I couldnt agree with you more it is important for all of us to have access to positive and negative feedback and to have good atmosphere & respect within the complex and the forum.

muffin1793. thanks for info on Block C. Good to know these things.

I still do think this site is great! There is sooo much potential here for great things.

Well everyone, thanks again. Much appreciated.
Happy,I'm not trying to be nasty, but I'm pretty direct these days. I'd just advise people to try and make sure there are adequate funds going into the sinking fund, otherwise ebveryone will have a nasty shock in about 5 years or so when major maintenance is carried out.
"· Fees - the Fees are scandalous. Highest around!! In my previous apmts it was €800 per year (w/o lift). But now im paying €1742 per year. Someone suggested that the AMC fees were calculated based on the number of lifts. That’s actually not correct. AMC fees are calculated based on the internal floor space of each apmt. Therefore the bigger your apmt the more you have to pay. Spoke with Dave from WYSE and the reasoning they give is that the bigger the apmt the more wear & tear. However I know of no other AMC that calculates fees like this. Anyway I disagree with this reasoning, because im 1 person in a 2 bedroom apmt so im using less wear & tear than a 2 person 2 bedroom. I feel this is very unfair and I will definitely be bringing this up at the next meeting. He said if the owners get together and agree, we could negotiate a fair price for all (ie.have the fees equally divided amongst all 199 apmts).

Normally what happens is a rate is fixed by the number of bedrooms. So a two bedroom apartment pays more than a 1 bedroom apartment.BTW Temple Court , Gardens, and Lawns residents have their management fees fixed on this basis. Also, there was some cribbing in these developments about the size of the management fees, but when the accounts were examined (by the owners) , not much could be shaved off without a big loss in service. For the record, Wyse did lose the agency for Temple Gardens, but even with a cheaper replacement agency the cost was still well north of 1200 euros per year for a two bedroom apartment.
Re: Lymewood Mews & management fees

There is a solution to these high management fees (if you have the time,inclination & perseverance!) - -take control of your own management commitee - theres an interesting article on pg 6 of todays property supplement of the Irish Times - revolution is in the air!!
Re: Lymewood Mews & management fees


But that is what is going to happen-Shortly after the apartments are completed a general meeting of the owners will be called and a connittee formed. This committee will have the power to set the budgets, hire and fire agents etc. I have heard of apartment developments that have dispensed with agents-THAT would take a lot of work
You're right JD, just received a copy of our contract from the solicitors yesterday and to quote: Part 1 (2.e.2):

After the initial service charge ( which is left blank ), the service charge referable to the units shall be calculated as follows:

Base Rate x 1 : Type F apt
Base rate x 1.3: Type C2 apt
Base rate x 1.5: Type C1 or D apt
Base rate x 1.6: Type C apt
Base rate x 1.7: Type D1 apt
Base rate x 1.8: Type B apt
Base rate x 2: Type A apt
Base rate x 2.1: Type E/E1 apt

And as I know you have now explained several times, if people read the letter received from Wyse as below, this might actually clarify the situation:

Dear owner,

We are pleased to advise that our company has been appointed to act as MANAGING Agents for Lymewood Mews. We will be responsible for running the managements company, dealing with the day to day management and administration affairs of the complex UNTIL such time as the development is completed and handed over to the owners. This will happen shortly after all the sales are closed.
Firstly thanks Happy, useful information and the bits that were incorrect like the luas as apposed to the metro does not matter, we all knew what you meant I'm sure...I think it's just nit picking....but alas someone new could come on the site and not know and generally needs to be corrected, but I found it a great read!.....

Generally most forums are about problems/issues be it personal or otherwise, there are not many around called 'How happy I am' Forums etc, people don't generally want to know how happy other people are, just human nature...for example you might have an Ipod forum for tech issues etc, if someone has an issue and someone replies 'my Ipod works great!, no issues here ' it generally does not help people .....not saying your post was like that bit there was so much info on it, alot of people can nit pick!

I think it is great that you are positive and look forward to anthing else you might find out.

Also Lucky has been great, there is always one person who takes the bull by the horns and I can't say that I would have gone to all the trouble that Lucky has and I really apreciate does not have to agree with everything, I won't be affected by the playground other than the insurance (if that is the case), but we need to do what is best for LWM residents, if that means the majority wants to take it down then so be it...

There is room for both of you on the forum, positive/negative or whatever it may be, ying yang etc

Anyway, as for positives (not even living in my Block A apartment yet) I can say the following....

> Great location, close to town...
> Close to the gym
> Close to the shopping centre
> Nice walks in the park
> Fiber Optic cables built in!
> near the airport (I have to travel for work a bit)

As for the noise issue, my brother owns a house (new, semi detached), he had a sound guy come in and test the walls as the noise level was too much and they failed...the builders used cheap insulation that was no longer on the market! The sound guy cost around 700 Euro and now the builders have agreed to re-insulate, which means taking down parts of the wall, re-painting etc....he said it was so bad that he could hear his neighbour pouring his cornflakes in the morning! Now that is cutting cost!

So about my other post, anyone on a corner apartment?
Hi all,

just to express my appreciation for all info residents pass on through this forum - it is all very useful and has helped me enourmously going through my snag list, preparing to move in, etc. I hope I don't have any of the problems some residents have described but at least if I do, I know on the basis of info exchanged here that I'm not alone and that in itself can be reassuring! I also applaud the efforts that Lucky and others have undertaken in relation to gathering information about the playground - time-consuming and tough work! I expect that the first year in the complex will be full of "teething problems" but hopefully things will settle down quickly enough. For management- and building-related matters, the more information we exchange and the better communication the residents have, the easier issues should be to resolve.

Does anyone know how long the builders have left on site?

Looking forward to moving in.

Hiya guys,
Have had a few glasses of red, so please excuse any spelling errors. Thanks to Schoko and Easy Rider for their kind words, to be honest, I am just trying to feed anything back that I am getting first hand from the builders, Emma and David - I can assure you that there is no scaremongering involved - just pure fact of what is being said. The whole move etc is stressful enough without any animosity on this site - I just feel that forewarning is forearming!

Easy, No idea on apt sizes, just depends on what type you have bought! Ours is a C or C1, I think and its very spacious!
Schoko, I have heard that the builders will definitely be out of here by the 16th March and no later!

Without a shadow of a doubt, the positives outway the negatives, the location is brilliant, the increase in property value already is amazing and we are all living in a very sought after area, and as Monkeyboy has similarly said, Ballymun will be the next eg. Stoney Batter, so its onwards and upwards as far as the property market is concerned! With the pub ( scheduled for June ), the hotel and Mandalay ( which is the equivalent of your Silks / Wongs ), we have a really good set up here. If the teething problems get sorted ( for me and my neighbours, and other residents experiencing the same, that is ), this will be better than paradise!

We all have to bear in mind that this is an interaction of peoples' experiences and views and to make sweeping statements without substantiating them by fact ( either personal or otherwise ) can just be deemed as rude and ignorant.

We are all here for the same reason and that is to gather as much information as possible and to guide each other to the best of our knowledge, I do hope we can all continue to do same.

Thanks and regards

Happy, thank you so much for taking the time and putting the effort into providing us with information about and past experiences of apartment living. It's good to hear from someone who's been through it all before.

There was a lot of bad feeling and bickering starting on the site recently which was making me keep my distance but yesterdays posts were very productive and any bitterness that was emerging seemed to dissipate.

The site has been excellent and VERY informative for everyone and should be kept up even when everyone has settled in.

Do you think it'll be mainly owner/occupiers in Lymewood?

Hey all

Lucky, when is the pub planned for do you know?? It'd be nice having somewhere near to go to...

Happy Friday all!

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