I bring all my food into work even though we have a canteen with hot and cold foods (subsidised so a hot dinner is about €3.50) still I bring food as it's healthier and cheaper. I make sandwiches usually to bring and I might buy soup to go with them (soup is €0.79 here) and I also have apple, banana and maybe a nutrigrain to keep me going as snacks. I keep my own tea bags at my desk although they have the kitchen stocked, I'm fussy and don't like those ones. I eat breakfast when I come in (about 7.30) as having it at home would be too early. I bring my own cereal in to eat and milk is provided in the kitchen, even skimmed milk. I get 30 mins for lunch which is plenty when you're only going downstairs to eat something you brought in. If I make a sandwich at home, ham for example, a packet of Aldi ham wafer thin crumbed is my fave is €1.69, their bread €0.99 and I'd get 3 days ham sambos out of that plus another day or two I'd have banana sambos (love them) I keep the bread in the freezer take it out the night before. I reckon the week of sandwiches would cost me about €3!