Hi Wishes
This is very unclear. Could you give us some actual numbers, although I appreciate some are guesses
Rough value of home:
Amount outstanding on home mortgage:
Rough value of investment property in UK
Amount outstanding on investment property in uk:
Amount due to other creditors:
According to an earlier post, the apartment is worth €100k. But you said that the mortgage taken out was €150k. How much is the mortgage now?
If have money to spare after selling the apartment, you have a legal obligation to pay off the arrears, but no more. Of course, you have a legal obligation to pay off your other creditors as well.
they also want access to the full amount so I can pay off a large chunk of my mortgage
This makes little sense. Are they suggesting that you should use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage on your home and not pay off the investment mortgage? The mortgage on the investment property must be paid off first.
It is likely that the interest rate on your other creditors would be higher so arithmetically, it makes more sense, to pay them off first. However, you might reach an agreement with the bank.
It's a bit academic until you actually sell the property. Make sure that the proceeds of sale are not lodged to the bank where you have the mortgage so that you can retain control over the money.