Looking to address long term future

Hi Barry
Using the cost of living arbitrage is good strategy for getting more life for less money.

To what extent is it feasible to keep getting/changing jobs in the future-
- clearly this depends 1)on what you do 2) how much you enjoy it.3) level of ageism in the area as you get older...maybe you will be able work in your 70s?

As I am sure you know they always need english language teachers abroad!

Its worth making sure your work is "on the books" in each country regarding future state pension entitlement .

Not sure given your level of savings and impact a loss might have i would risk much of it in equities etc.

good luck

Hey MTK,

You are right about the cost of living. It's remarkable how in Asia and also Central America in particular how little you spend even while going out and doing the tourist thing, it tends to be lot less than just normal everyday living in Ireland/Aus etc. I've never taken advantage of digital nomad life which bit of a shame but my skills or lack there of just meant not something I could really figure out how to utilise.

I have yet to go teaching route but met many a person who did 2 years in South Korea/China. Of course Covid highlights some of the negatives of that life. I was rather lucky I happened to be home when it all broke.

Thanks for all the suggestions and tips.
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Consider upskilling to increase earning power?

It might make more sense to save a bit more,
buy a small house and use the rent a room scheme to cover the mortgage and/or have a small income. You'd need to do the sums. Your recent earning history means you might get a mortgage now. It might be a year of two after you are working again in Ireland before you could get approval. Which could be 4 or 5 years from now.

Having that base could help fund future travels.

If you meet the right person, you might have to adapt your lifestyle and spending budget.