Looking for help before things get bad!!!

A note for your lifestyle, why not think about voluntary work! This may sound made but for years it saved me a fotune. I volunteered in a youth club, Free of charge. My social life revolved around this therefore I met great people and had great crack all very inexpensively. I now don't do this any more and find life quit expensive everything seems to be a cost. My granny was good with money and always asked the same question before she bought something "Do I really need it? " The answer is usually no. Best of luck with balancing the books if it's any consulation your in a better position than most of the developers and also Brian Lennihan! You wont have a strike if you make a decision not to spend the same amount of money this month.
Chiefpilot, the title of your post is telling...things are bad and you need to act now. Sorry but i think things will only get worse. Your credit card, which by no means is your largest debt, is your most expensive debt and in your current situation you are probably barely making the minimum payments.
Use at least 3k of your savings to reduce this, then switch to an interest free one. Its not easy to make changes, but renting out room is great idea, and will give you financial breathing space. I dont think Eirefinq read your post correctly, he thinks your loaded, get a pension, more shares in c.union??? You're young, you have youth on your side, save when you have spare cash. I speak from being in a similar situation, you can go into shock and it takes a long period of time to adjust and accept and deal with it.
I wish you courage and good luck.
hello Chiefpilot,

I dont recommend renting out a room. I tried it for a few months and got 300 a month for my room. Although the person that moved in was lovely, I found that having to share my space with a stranger very hard. For me that 80 euro a week, was just not worth it.

Here is my recommendations :
40 month - buy a satellite dish and disconect your TV Service
50 month - disconnect broadband ? -seems to be standard now
100 month switch you credit cards over to a 0% rate saving in interest
50 - knock off the gas for the moment - no need for heating at the moment and maybe a kosengas bottle can heat your room, esp as you are the only person in the house and would probably mostly spend your time in one room.
240 savings