Looking for Financial Advisors


Registered User
I'm at a point where I need serious, independent financial advice with regard to pension planning. I don't want a planner attached to a specific company, but an independent advisor who will look at where I am, where I want to be and will advise me how to get there without trying to sell me this or that product, but who can advise me where to go to make it happen. I appreciate these guys don't come cheap and am prepared to pay for a consultation. What I want to know is whether or not there is some kind of trade body or regulatory organization I can consult for a name, somebody I can be reasonably sure is straight. Can anybody help?
You can give me a call if you want on 086 020 6087 or drop me a line at steven@bluewaterfp.ie

I'm married with 2 kids if that's sufficient proof

Wren, I saw on another thread that you are in a pension scheme through work. You should be able to get the advisor who looks after the scheme to run whatever figures you need and save yourself a few quid.

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....I'm married with 2 kids if that's sufficient proof

I thought that Past Performance Is Not A Guarantee Of Future.....

Jokes aside, I actually can't believe someone is on this website looking for this or more still, that it has been permitted by the website moderators or owner. Surely, this is encouraging descrimination is it not ?
Steven, I had my employer pension administrator do a review of my pension situation and he charged me e750