Looking for a good networking group to launch my business


I was recently invited to a local network called Southside Business to Business. It is run in the National Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire. Business is exchanged on the night and I made an excellent contact on the night.

Check out www.southsideb2b.org.

I was invited by Thomas & Co and I'm sure you can email ciaran@dublin.com for the next meeting date.

Good Luck !!!!1
Re: Networking

A few people have suggested setting up some sort of informal network on Askaboutmoney. It's probably more feasible now with the mandatory registration.

If someone thinks that it is really, really a good idea, would they like to spend some time specifying how it might work? How abuse would be avoided. Would it apply to business to business only or business to consumer. Would it involve much work by AAM moderators?

You can either post it here or email your proposal to me at burgess7@eircom.net

Re: Networking

Personally reckon that the concept is a great idea. However, judging by the frequency of posts and replies (low in comparison to some other forums) in the Askaboutbusiness section, it might become a washout too early.

Some suggestions;

1.Promote the Askaboutbusiness section and when it's more dynamic, build up the network group from it?

2.Allow "plugging" within the Askaboutbusiness section only, which may well attract more users and contributors? We're all big boys and know what's what. Entrepenurial spirit would definately visit if they felt there was a possibility of also promoting their venture.

3.As we are all registered, encourage PM's and their existence. I have recieved some and sent some already.

Just thoughts...............