looking at a house that will be built by McInerney: Co Clare



Hi. I'm looking at a house that will be built by McInerney builders, it will be a timber frame house, they arent putting anything into house (tiles, floors & so on) has anyone bought this type of house from these builders. What was the house like? What are timber houses like 'noise, heat'? Should I be looking for more to be put in the house for the price i'm paying if so how do I go about this? I'm a 1st time buyer & not sure how to go about these.
Re: mc inerney builder

How much is it?, where is it?, what size is it etc
Re: mc inerney builder

Its co. clare its 1250sq/ft & €280000.
Re: mc inerney builder

Well, they would have a good reputation, I wouldn'y be too familiar with co.clare markets (depends where in clare), do you know if this was the original price or has it come down? I would have thought at minimum you should be getting wall tiles, fully painted, kitchen unit, fireplace for that price and also perhaps an allowance for flooring of say €3,000. Without knowing the exact area I can't say for sure, but I do know that similiar properties in Limerick would command that price and have more in the line of extras so i would assume that you have scope to negotiate more from them. With regards Timber frame, most new developments have gone this way so its almost inavoidable and i don't think its as bad as people tend to make out re: noise. Look for the specifications re: insulation and party walls and pass it on to someone with a constrcution background and they will let you know whether its sufficient.
Re: mc inerney builder

I would have expected some internal finishes on a new build at this stage; any of the new developments I'm aware of (local to me, of course) are pretty much finished out in their entirety- painted, tiled, fitted kitchens, pre-finished doors, fireplace, built in wardrobes etc. This is what the market demands, so I'd look at other developments and see what's available, if I were you. It's a buyers market now afterall.
Re: mc inerney builder

Sorry i should have said its on Tulla rd in Ennis they will paint it white, and the fitted kitchen will be put in (its not like the one in the show house & no houses finished yet so not sure what its like). I asked for spot lights instead of one big light in each room & a light in the attic, a light out the back, an outside tap & a few other small bits. These seem to be standard in other houses i'v seen but with these its all extra costs. I do like the location of this 1.
Re: mc inerney builder

a light in the attic, a light out the back, an outside tap....... These seem to be standard in other houses i'v seen but with these its all extra costs.

It's a bit mean in this day and age, those should be included as standard really. Anyway if you like the house and are happy to pay the extra couple of hundred euro or so for these extras that's your decision made. It's always a better idea to have these extras done prior to completion by the main contractor- it'll be cheaper and easier than trying to get someone in afterwards.
Re: mc inerney builder

my friend just moved into one of there houses and we visited there last week and we were quite disappointed in the finish, everything was in white: walls/doors/stairs etc, the quality of the wood was poor IMHO, the painting was just appalling, get an allowance if possible, there were lots of dents and scratches everywhere, the doors were hollow!!!!
My main concern was there follow up service, when she moved in a cracked developed on her main window a week later, they won't replace it or have nothing to do with it, all there saying is that it wasn't on the snag list, I think they supply the windows themselves so she has no come back and the crack is huge.
Overall i thhink there quality is poor even the kicthen was painted white and of poor quality so i would be carefull IMHO.
Re: mc inerney builder

the fitted kitchen will be put in (its not like the one in the show house & no houses finished yet so not sure what its like).

Kitchens are an important part of a house, check out cash & carry, price up a kitchen that would be to your liking and think about having it done yourself ie get the allowance for the kitchen instead of a kitchen which you haven't yet seen.

The fact that the showhouse has a different kitchen should set the alarm bells ringing.
Re: mc inerney builder

The fact that the showhouse has a different kitchen should set the alarm bells ringing.

I agree thats not exactly what you want to hear. The showhouse is supposed to be there to show what your getting not what your not getting!

my friend just moved into one of there houses and we visited there last week and we were quite disappointed in the finish, everything was in white: walls/doors/stairs etc, the quality of the wood was poor IMHO, the painting was just appalling, get an allowance if possible, there were lots of dents and scratches everywhere, the doors were hollow!!!!
Does your friend think the same as you? There should be some leeway regards finish because it is humans creating it not robots, but if the finish is shoddy then the snag list should highlight this. With regard to the window, I wouldn't accept anything other than replacement from them, there should be a warranty and just keep on their case.
Re: mc inerney builder

she is very unhappy with the service about the window, they are taking no responsibility, her engineer said its a thermal crack, ie when the house was heated up, it cracked, its their first house so they are over the moon to get one through affordable housing so are afraid to complain and don't know what to accept from a builder
Re: mc inerney builder

hi i live in an affordable housing apt and i recently moved in-we are actually allowed snag up to a year after we move in -i too have a huge crack in my bedroom window caused from when it was fitted in -it has grown much bigger -i have a foreman i got onto who is sending someone to fix it along with another few things on my list-a radiator and light switch-i think they should be pushed to give a good finish and the window should defo get fixed-
Re: mc inerney builder

her engineer said its a thermal crack, ie when the house was heated up

Then get him to make an official report on it and hand it to mcinerneys.