Lizzie Windsor to visit the auld sod



So will the Dublin Jackeens be out with their Union Jacks to waive Lizzie Windsor on when she visits Ireland (The bit divided from the UK)

For those of you who don't know who Lizzie Windsor is; she is that woman who lives in the fancy council house in the centre of London with the horses outside and the squad cars constantly whizzing by.

Is it the right time for her to visit or will she come with a gift (The north of Ireland would be most welcome)

What are your thoughts?

(2 bob to the first poster that mentions "maturity as a nation" in a sentence)
Probably will be a big fuss made of her together with a huge expense on the taxpayer. I would certainly not go to the end of the road to wave anything at her, most Dubs would not be bothered either I would think.

Her husband has made some real gaffes. He is liable to say something really inappropriate. At least you can get a laugh out of him.
Ach Lizziebet, mein liebchen, ve haff vays of velkoming you to our Fatherland.

We will display our maturity as a nation by not slagging you and your family about your lack of guts and principles when changing your names when the cousins fell out in 1914. Shame on you.

Personally I'll welcome you with open arms if you bring the oul' Coutts & Co cheque-book with you to pay the bills you and your predecessors owe for 800 years of murder, slavery, exploitation and theft. I don't need an invite to the reception, just the cheque will be grand, thanks.

Bye the bye Lizzie, maybe park Phil the Greek somewhere isolated and safe for the visit. If he's over here and he says the wrong thing, someone is liable to stick a loaf on him, righ'?
I don’t care if she comes or doesn’t. I suppose it will be a sign of our maturity as a nation if she is welcomed and there is a big British population here to wave union jacks at her but I wouldn’t turn my head to see her. I have no real grips with the historical baggage (I don’t buy into the 800 years of oppression lark) but the actions of her family in recent times (the last 50 years) have often been offensive, jingoistic and racist. That said I have more time for her than her spoiled adulterous daughter in law who got herself killed in a car crash.

If Lizzie lands in on me for any reason I’ll boil the kettle and see if we have any biscuits, I like Germans, but if we don’t I won’t be sending the young fella to the shops for a packet of chocolate covered hobnobs.
I am afraid that those who think the Irish people won't turn out in their thousands to see the Queen of England are sadly mistaken. We live in a celebrity culture and there are many many people who are obsessed by the antics of the British Royal family. Put a picture of Princess Diana on any newspaper, magazine or show a TV programme concerning the British Royal family and both circualtion and viewing figures rise. ( And thats only in the Rep of Irleand)
Absolutely right, she should apologise for the full 800 years.

Her apology should be for the first two hundred years when Dermot MacMurrough fled to Normandy and asked Henry to give him a hand getting his bit of land back. Henry being in Normandy because they ruled Britain. Henry (French and hardly setting foot in Britain), went over with his (Welsh) lords and kind of over stayed there welcome.

She should then apologise for Henry and his Lords helping themselves to all the land, but more so for setting up The Pale, where effectively for 200 years, Beyond the Pale went on as normal and the oppressive rule had absolutely no effect.

And she should apologise because then the Tudors (Welsh) stole the crown and Henry VIII did his reformation and made Ireland a Kindgom. She should apologise for all the fighting that then went on between different Irish families and clans for power.

Apologise again for Queen Mary (Scottish) bringing on the plantation. Then again when the Pope more or less declared war on all Protestants and sending loyal forces to Ireland to stir up more fighting against Elizabeth.

Of course she'll be really apologetic for the main bit of real oppression, murder and slavery that well known Monarch Oliver Cromwell. It's only right that the British Monarchy should apologise for losing the civil war and a seriously deranged puritan installing himself as Lord Protector.

She really needs to apologise for when the Monarchy was restored and Charles II introduced conciliation and compensation for Irish Catholics. Even when it was continued and added to by James II allowing Catholics into parliament and even when this led to another revolution in Britain where parliament disposed the king and installed William of Orange (Dutch), she should apologise for losing that one.

Then she should apologise because really since the Magna Carta and more so since Cromwell pretty much everything that followed was because of the British Parliament.

But 800 years is about right.

Sincere apologies are due, but then as far as I’ve always felt, the greatest tragedies and atrocities were visited upon the country by Parliament and remote politicians. Whether it be military action, famine inaction, religious oppression, the worst, the most memorable was always led by the Prime Minister.

I don’t want the Queen here, not out of any reason of hatred, I’m just loathed to be spending millions on a ceremonial visit that serves no purpose, diplomatically or politically.
Tom Dunne was wetting himself with excitement this morning at the prospect of Michael Fagan's old mount visiting.

And maturity got a mention of course.
For those of you who don't know who Lizzie Windsor is; she is that woman who lives in the fancy council house in the centre of London with the horses outside and the squad cars constantly whizzing by.

Windsor is her stage name. Her real name is Mrs. Battenburg.

C'mon, this is going a little far........the monarchy were victims of Cromwell like us.
She's a head of state of our nearest and dearest neighbours. She should be able to drop in every now again. Afterall we have had Soviet and American presidents visit and they have the blood of this and the last generation all over their hands.

As a true republican (and not the balaclava type) I have no time for royalty or title. But that does not mean we should not respect the British monarchy in the same way we respect the Dutch and Spanish royal families etc. etc. and so on.
No objection in principle to the visit. But how much is it going to cost? I saw on the news the other night that the HSE are cutting funding to respite homes for the mentally handicapped. I think the cost of keeping these places open is around €3 - 4 million per annum.

Surely we should be getting our priorities right?
I dont think taxpayers money should be spent on this. If she wants to fund the visit herself then thats fine, otherwise, sorry Lizzie, theres a recession on, we cant afford a big hoopla for you for a social call.
We don't need a big hoopla, she will be more than happy with a day out at the races.
" No objection in principle to the visit. But how much is it going to cost? I saw on the news the other night that the HSE are cutting funding to respite homes for the mentally handicapped. I think the cost of keeping these places open is around €3 - 4 million per annum.

Surely we should be getting our priorities right? "

This is the old argument trotted out to cover objections to anything we want to do.

If we followed this argument there would be no Croke Park development, No Landsdowne Rd development, No Dublin Port Tunnel No Shannon tunnel etc etc.

The Egyptians had to listen to that as well when they were considering building the Pyrmaids " Give the money to the poor" blah blah blah

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Posts: 80

No objection in principle to the visit. But how much is it going to cost? I saw on the news the other night that the HSE are cutting funding to respite homes for the mentally handicapped. I think the cost of keeping these places open is around €3 - 4 million per annum.

Surely we should be getting our priorities right?
All of the developments you mentioned will have a long and lasting legacy, and will benefit us in to the future. So we got something for our money.

What will the legacy be of the Queen's visit?
I think nationalism (and religion) only cause grief and get us into trouble and should be abolished. I think we would have been better off if we had stayed in the British empire. For example, we might have less dodgy politicians, less paedo priests, no Irish language etc etc.

I want one world, one language and Galway to win the Liam McCarthy!!
I do abject to Irish people (people from the Republic of Ireland) referring to her as "the Queen". We don't have a Queen or King so she's the British Queen or the UK Queen or even the "Queen of England" but not "The Queen".