Living with LandLady



Hi Folks

I am living with the person who owns the house and she is being a Pain. Like i cleaned a Cup and left it on the draining board and she complains that i don't put it away etc.

I have the En-suite, so i reckon she wants me out to take that back !

If you are paying Rent, can someone throw you out if they wish ?

if you contact Threshold they will be able to let you know your rights in this area. Generally speaking she cannot just kick you out. She can ask you to leave, but she is obliged to give reasonable notice, normally 4 weeks, depending on how long you have been renting.
Hi Oisin

I'm a "landlady" too - in that I own my two bedroomed duplex but rent out one of the bedrooms to another girl. She has the en-suite too! I actually wanted it that way because I get the non en-suite bathroom which has a bath ( I prefer baths to showers!). Maybe this is what your landlady is doing too????!!! Or perhaps she wants the additional rent an en-suite generally generates. With regards trying to kick you out .... I'd say (from the sounds of it!) that she is quite a difficult person to live with anyway and probably resents the fact that she has to let a room out in order to meet her mortgage repayments. She should not be taking this out on you though. I have rented a room to the same girl for almost three years and we get along very well, although not without a few tiffs here and there! If I wanted her to leave for some reason I would give her 6 - 8 weeks notice and I would be flexible about this in order to give her time to find a suitable place etc... I would expect that if she decided she wanted to move out that she would give me at least 4 weeks notice.

I think you should have a word with your landlady and tell her you feel she is being a bit unreasonable. You are doing her a favour by renting a room from her, not the other way around.


Thanks for your responses ! She is unreal !

It was ok for her to take a bottle of Wine of mine and then say
"oh i must replace that for you" !

Would you ever sit down in the evening and watch tv with her, or have a drink? Maybe you could just bring up how you feel in a casual way first, and see how she responds. Perhaps you should start looking for somewhere else.
i rent a room and get on great with the person, if i didnt and it has happened in the past i explained to them that life is too short and they were going to have to move out to save both of us stressing

the biiiggggggggggg advantage of renting is that you can move somewhere else you dont need to tatke crap, get on and sort it out!
Sounds like my next door neighbour!! We've been living in our houses just over a year and in that time she's had 4 different tenants who've each lasted about 3 or 4 months. It takes usually 3 weeks before she starts bitching about them leaving the place in a mess (for the likes of leaving a cup on the draining board as above!!). I know I couldn't live with her even though she is normally lovely and we get on great but if I were you I'd find somewhere else to live and tell her the reason why - maybe that might knock a bit of sense into her!
Sometimes I think that landlords / ladies expect too much from their tennants. Tennants are entitled to relax and feel at home just as much as the property owner is. I charge the girl I let to a fixed monthly amount and I pay all the bills (esb, gas etc...) and buy all the cleaning products.
Moving in my may Lady

But i reckon people have to be careful in life. If i was really mean i could ring the Revenue and let them know that she is taking in 10K a year in Rent and not paying tax on the 3K !
LouthMan said:
she is taking in 10K a year in Rent and not paying tax on the 3K !

How does she manage to take in that much???!!! I charge €350 a month and am happy with that. I do the hoovering and she's more of a washing dishes person!
louthman why not look at a house yourself you had another post about earning 120k a year and fair play to ya, get into the property game and pay yourself rent!
Guys - I have a place purchased but being build at the moment ! Builder is so SLOWWWWW.
If you have firm grounds for suspecting that she is evading tax then you should report her. Do you know for sure that this is the case? Are you claiming [broken link removed] as is your right?

Lol...only kidding.

Any idea when your house will be finished? Two months? More?

If you're confident that your place will be finished shortly you have two options.

One - have a word with her and explain that you'r not happy with her being such a stickler.

Two - play it her way. Bite your tongue and ride the wave.

Sometimes in life it's easier to play the game...I guess it depends on how well you get on. <snip>

Are you friends at all?
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Ye - She is Ok when i am talking to her but the notes and emails are out of order.

Like my Brother in-laws Dad died and i get on well with both people.
My brother stayed in the spare room that night of the Feneral and he was giving out about that i didn't tell her. I knew at 12 that night, so was i going to call or just let him stay.

I pay rent and bills by bank transfer on time and sometimes before the date.
What kind of notes and e-mails does she send you? The only e-mails I ever send my "tennant" are jokes!
How does her other tennant get on with her?
LouthMan said:
Moving in my may Lady

But i reckon people have to be careful in life. If i was really mean i could ring the Revenue and let them know that she is taking in 10K a year in Rent and not paying tax on the 3K !
Once she exceeds the rent-a-room threshold, her entire rental income (not just the excess over the threshold) is liable to tax.