Liverpool fc

I was born , grew up & went to school in Waterford.

My Grandfather played for the Blues & my Dad was friendly with the Waterford born players of sixties & seventies , quite a few of the players lived in our vicinity & we were used to seeing them around.

I first went to games with my Dad & later with my mates - we loved the fact that our home town team was successful & felt emotionally linked to the club.

I have an abiding fondness for Spurs but it was only by happenstance & not by any visceral attachment - my Dad brought home 2 pennants from a business trip to London , as I was the oldest I got first pick & as I liked the cockerel motif I picked Spurs - my brother had to make do with Liverpool ! - he got European Cups & I got the odd FA Cup.

I would be laughed out the door by my family & mates if I referred to Spurs as " we " - it would be nothing but slagging about jellied eels , pearly kings & me old cockney sparrer !

" We " in sporting terms is reserved for Waterford United , our hurlers & the Republic of Ireland football team.
This is the difference between Sport and Big Business. Liverpool FC, Man Utd, Chelsea, Spurs etc are not clubs, they are big businesses depending

You have made some good points Leper. The two things I ddon't like about The Premiership is the amount of money in it, and (like in other sports) the fact that fans can at times be so abusive to players, fans of other clubs, or each other. In my mind there is no place in sport for that.

That said I'm a Liverpool FC fan. I'm a grown man, but I behave a bit like a child when it comes to sport. I think loads of people do. I think it one of the things about football, and sport. A person's ideas or opinions don't have to be logical.

I was very disappointed to see Kenny Daglish sacked. I hope Brendan Rodgers does a good job. I look forward to the Premiership every Saturday evening. C'mon Liverpool!
I looked at Kazakhstan -V- Rep of Ireland last Friday. Beforehand, we were informed that ROI were going to win handsomely. Even I knew that this would be an uphill battle and wondered what would be the excuses if things were going pear-shape.

At half time one of the pundits, probably Mr Trappatoni's greatest side-kick, Liam informed us that Ireland would have to get used to the "pace-of-the-grass" - Now, imagine some coach of an under eight GAA team advising his forlorn team "Hey lads, will ye come to terms with the speed of the grass?"

Look at the supporters who paid big money to travel. Whatever was discussed by them after the match, it was not the speed-of-the-grass.

Please dont get the impression that I am looking for Trap's head, I'm not, but I would expect such highly paid continuously non-performers as some on the team should immediately be consigned to international football retirement.

Now what has this to do with Liverpool's poor start to the season? Watch as things will be reframed - The Win was the important thing. Very few will face the real truth. And no matter what people will buy the Liverpool shirts and even the "Ireland" shirt. My advice to those hoping for better performances should vote with their money:- Dont buy football shirts or match tickets. Then the likes of Liverpool Ltd and ROI Ltd will perform better and with teams that are not picked by the "senior" players.
I do think Liam had a point - the game was played on an artificial surface & it was noticeable that the ball flew off the surface & the bounce was unpredictable but pros should be able to readjust swiftly & get their touch right.

But my God it was dreadful stuff redeemed only by the luckiest of wins
In today's All Ireland hurling games, let's say we have two losing teams. How do you think they would be received if they offered the speed of the grass as an excuse?
In today's All Ireland hurling games, let's say we have two losing teams. How do you think they would be received if they offered the speed of the grass as an excuse?

The GAA championships are played on grass pitches , having played football on both grass & artificial surfaces I can say that there is an appreciable difference in how the ball moves off the surface & how high it bounces .

On grass you can generally gauge the movement of the ball & the bounce - I do agree that pros should adapt fairly quickly & that our horrible display certainly could not be excused by the pitch quality.
Now what has this to do with Liverpool's poor start to the season? Watch as things will be reframed - The Win was the important thing. Very few will face the real truth. And no matter what people will buy the Liverpool shirts and even the "Ireland" shirt. My advice to those hoping for better performances should vote with their money:- Dont buy football shirts or match tickets. Then the likes of Liverpool Ltd and ROI Ltd will perform better and with teams that are not picked by the "senior" players.

Sorry, how is the performance of the team affected by whether the supporters buy shirts or tickets?
But my God it was dreadful stuff redeemed only by the luckiest of wins

I think Trap's days are numbered. He seems to be losing the backing of some of the players. McClean was stupid to post what he did on twitter but I can understand his fustration. He is playing well in a premiership team and Trap does not have much interest in him.
McClean will be found out this season for the one-trick pony he is.

Quick , scores goals , good in the air , tenacious , can cut inside & hugely enthusiastic - more than one quiver to his bow I would have thought ?
Quick , scores goals , good in the air , tenacious , can cut inside & hugely enthusiastic - more than one quiver to his bow I would have thought ?

Agreed. Has started this season well too. He is a player. Had every right to be annoyed seeing championship centre forwards playing in the position that he plays in the premiership every week. The Italians are right about Trap. He is one lucky manager. Doyle saved his bacon.

Twitter should be banned though. Players aren't intelligent enough to use it.