Live in Ireland, work in North - Possible to pay Irish contributions for future OAP


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I live in Ireland (born here) and work in Northern Ireland. I pay my uk tax, my National Insurance contributions and pay into a private pension. Each year i complete a Form 11 and pay tax (a top up if you will) to Irish Revenue.

Is it possible, today, to pay contributions to be able to claim an Irish OAP in the future?

A brief history:
  • In Ireland, I had my first tax paying job in summer of 1998.
  • Worked summers in Ireland until finished Uni in 2004.
  • Worked in EU country in 2006 for one year
  • Back to Ireland in 2007
  • Made redundant in 2009
  • Back to work in late 2010
  • Went to work in NI in early 2012 until now
Thank you.
How many PRSI contributions do you have?

Looks like you’re probably below the 520 needed to qualify so far.
What sort of income do you have that requires you to file a form 11? If it's rental income and it's your only source of income in the RoI then would this not have PRSI at Class S deducted? is useful information. Ditto

You might be able to buy extra NI contributions (I'm not sure if that scheme is still going) but I believe the authorities work together to get you the best pension. There are many people (like myself) who worked in both Britain and Ireland, and ended up with a hodge-podge of contributions. I bought some extra years of NI, and have ended up pleasantly surprised. The good thing about living in Ireland is that you will get any increases in the British state pension - if you lived in Spain or anywhere else, you're stuck with the amount you started on, no raises.
What sort of income do you have that requires you to file a form 11? If it's rental income and it's your only source of income in the RoI then would this not have PRSI at Class S deducted?
I may have the wrong name but it is basically i declare my foreign income each year to irish revenue. Revenue look at my UK salary, covert it to euro, calculate if i earned that salary in Ireland how much tax i should have paid in Ireland, from this they subtract how much tax i paid in the UK and i pay the balance to Irish revenue.

You might be able to buy extra NI contributions
I did this (thank you askaboutmoney) as when at Uni I worked during the year in a bar.