Lisbon defeated what happens next ?

Did anyone else find the notion of SF and SWP "protecting" our corporate tax regime amusing?
Did anyone else find the notion of SF and SWP "protecting" our corporate tax regime amusing?

Funniest thing I heard all campaign, was enough for me to vote yes. Most people I spoke to that voted no, did it cause they didn't understand what it was about and nearly all of them didn't bother to even do the most basic of research to try and find out. All because they heard it was impossible to read the actual legal document. I'm all up for decision's by the people but atleast find out what it is you are voting for/against.
I think thats one of the big issues with the treaty. Why make something you need everyone to vote on, so incomprehensible to most of your voters. People are going to be suspicious of that from the start.
At the end of the day I didnt bother to vote

What ever your reasons this is unforgiveable -

Would you like to give up democracy altogether because of some poor campaigning for this referendum?
I've badly phrased my post

I believe that many people voted 'No', because they were unsure. A better option might have been to spoil their vote. If the 'Yes' campaign highlighted this (inform unsure people to spoil rather than vote 'no'), then the 'No' vote might be less. In other words, the 'No' camp got the 'Noes' and 'unsures'.

With regards to explaining away fears, how many weeks do we have? The change to the constitution was gobbledegook in my eyes.
What ever your reasons this is unforgiveable -

Would you like to give up democracy altogether because of some poor campaigning for this referendum?

badge55, it must be something about the top of the keyboard!!!!

We have qwertyuiop bemoaning the idiocy of people who vote because (s)he contends that their votes don't count. And now we have mini-(qwerty)uiop saying they couldn't be bothered to vote. Top of the keyboard seems to be the Slough of Despond.
Well spotted Soc - maybe they have some kind of secret top of the keyboard society

Ah that makes much more sense. Yes I'd agree, the logical thing for the disaffected (particularly these) or the unsure if they aren't willing to vote yes would be to register a Dustin the Turkey vote and spoil their ballot rather than just plumping for no out of fear rather than conviction.

Oddly most people's fears weren't centred around the changes to the constitution per se, their fears were those whipped up by the no campaign relating to taxation, militarism, privatisation, etc.
What happens next? We move on and we get the Europe WE want, not one dreamed up by a bunch of unelected eurocrats in Brussels.
What happens next? We move on and we get the Europe WE want, not one dreamed up by a bunch of unelected eurocrats in Brussels.

Dream on, WE will never get the Europe WE want. The Irish people don't do comprimise.
What happens next? We move on and we get the Europe WE want, not one dreamed up by a bunch of unelected eurocrats in Brussels.

Just curious Rmelly - what is the Europe you want ?

Please share with the rest of us !
What happens next? We move on and we get the Europe WE want, not one dreamed up by a bunch of unelected eurocrats in Brussels.
Or rather one carefully teased out and painfully negotiated between 27 sovereign states with a wide-range of vested interests?

I reckon many a Eurocrat had years of nightmares
Well for a start there would be no foreign minister, and the president would be elected.

Fundamentally, it would focus on what it was conceived as - an ECONOMIC union, and wouldn't seek to influence every aspect of our lives as they now appear intent on, whether that's the curvature of our bananas, water charges etc.

I don't want a U.S.E. and that is inevitably where we are headed if these eurocrats have their way.

We are going a little off topic here so I will just ask do you really think that this no vote is going to completely change the course that the union is on?

oh and why should we not pay water charges? Do you know of a magical source of treated, potable water that can be spirited to everyone's house without a pipe network?
I'm hoping that it does change the course, yes. Do you think these guys have a pre-ordained right to take us down a path of their choosing?

There is a lack of democracy at the core of the EU, this needs to be addressed. Had other countries had the opportunity to vote, polls show that it would have been rejected elsewhere.

Why exactly do we pay taxes again?
Re: Lisbon defeated what happens next.

I see Mickey Martin is now trying to hang on a lack of information..wonder is he trying to hang Referendum Commission?

It's the start of the slow softening up of the public for Lisbon 2.

"You see, the punters just didn't understand it, not that it's their fault of course. You have to respect the voice of the people; anyway we'd better do it again".

It never makes sence to spoil a vote.
I thought it rather strange that the rural community voted so heavily against the treaty, given the massive grants and subsidies the farmers received from the EU in times past.