Life insurance for 60 year old


Registered User
My husband has just retired. As a trade union member he paid into a life insurance scheme. The cover is 25k for him age 60 and 25k for me age 58. Cost would be 50 py for union membership and 442py for insurance. We have no other life insurance except mortgage cover. Is it worth keeping or is there another product that might be better?
What do you need life cover for? He no longer earns an income so there is no lost income on death. Your debts are covered...can you pay this off? Having debt in retirement is a bad idea.
What do you need life cover for? He no longer earns an income so there is no lost income on death. Your debts are covered...can you pay this off? Having debt in retirement is a bad idea.
Thanks Steven. Pension is small. We do have a couple of other loans we are working to pay off before I retire.