life assurance and young children


Registered User
My ex has taken out life assurance on the lives of our children. Is this possible in Ireland. I thought that life assurance companies would not cover the lives of chidlren under 16. Any info. appreciated.
if you have what is called 'an insurable interest' in the life to be insured, you can insure it.

Why are you concerned?
Hi! Ravima, thanks for your reply. I am concerned for a no. of reasons. My ex is a big internet gambler. There were suspicions around the death of his wife, and his attempt to claim insurance from it. I did not get married to him, luckily, but I very nearly had an 'accident' which could have been fatal, while in his company, just shortly after I mentioned that I had taken out a large isurance policy - the insurance was inheritance tax, but he had presumed it was life insurance - in any case I guess he supposed it would go into the children's estate, and as their father he would be in control of it. At this time he did not know that I had left everything in trust for them with BOI Trust Services. Do you know how much he could potentially insure the children's lives for? Or can you explain more clearly what an 'insurable interest' is? Thanks.

This sounds a little shocking! Should you get professional advice immediately and log your suspicions/concerns with someone? I would be concerned, if this were me. Sounds scary!
Take care
I thought that life assurance companies would not cover the lives of chidlren under 16. Any info. appreciated.

The [broken link removed] plan automatically includes some life cover for kids - not sure if you can take out separate policies for u16's though.
I'd report matter to Gardai if you have real concerns. Ask to speak with female officer in a private room in station. I find that they are a bit more understanding in personal delicate matters.
Hi! everyone, thanks for your replies and advice. I have told the gardai, but they can't do anything until something happens. However, I have decided to go ahead with reporting the 'accident' which I almost had when away with my ex. It is really a difficult situation as I have lived in fear for my own safety initally, and now my children's.
There were suspicions around the death of his wife, and his attempt to claim insurance from it.

Did he claim and receive insurance from the death of his wife ?
Hi! Sign, yes he tried to claim insurance on the death of his first wife. I found letters writing to insurance companies within three days of her death. Whether he actually got any money, I don't know. As far as I know he has several accounts. I have only ever seen his current account statements. He once told me, when I questioned his gambling, that he knew so much about technology/computers that he could hide anything.