Lidl nesting box for Blue Tits

I have spent most of to-day watching the blue tits live on website rte/mooneygoeswild. Absolutely facinating watching. Eight chicks hatched last Friday and two cameras monitoring every move. A must see.
Karl Grabe has some information about how he managed his setup. See the Blue Tits link on [broken link removed].
I had a great time yesterday watching an adult tit feeding two chicks on our rotary washing line. We have a nut feeder hanging from it. There were two fluffy chicks perched precariously on the line. The adult would get a nut from the feeder, clutch it between its claws and break it with its beak, and then fly the few feet to one of the chicks and pop some nut into its mouth. The adult fed each chick in turn. It was fantastiic! I felt like ringing Eamonn de Buitléar....
Apparently there is only 1 blue tit still alive in Derek Mooney's nest box :( the live stream has been disabled on the RTE website
So sad, apparently 3 died overnight, and the one left is not in good shape. I was only watching them yesterday and was laughing at how excited they got when Mum (or Dad?) arrived with food. Wonder what happened? :(