Legality of marriage

e.g. If you ex-spouse was born in the State of New York and your divorce was granted in Florida, due to domicile the GRO will not recognise the divorce.
People do move. A person could be born in one state and then move away for good even at a very young age. I don't see how that would be an issue. I would say that it would be matter for the courts.

The OP could easily go the UK where the divorce would be recognised on production of the divorce decree without question of where the other spouse was born and marry again. Ireland would then have to recognise that marriage?
I agree with bond-007. It would be a farce not to recognise a divorce lawfully granted in the USA. Does that mean he is not married in the USA and still Married here? Pure madness.

I happen to have a US divorce, I live in the UK. My ex was born in California but she lived all her life in Oregon. Now the courts in California would not deal with any divorce request as neither party was resident there. So I had to use the Oregon courts. Now you are saying that because someone was born in a different state the divorce is not valid. That is madness.

I would advise the OP to go to Las Vegas and get married there. They have will have no problems recognising your divorce. Ireland will have no choice but to accept the marriage afterwards.
And in some parts of the world single sex partners can legally get married but that doesn't mean it's valid in Ireland. Same for divorce, you have to be very careful that the Irish state recognises the validity of a foreign divorce or a foreign marriage for that matter.
They will recognise any marriage between a man and a woman provided the laws of the state where the marriage took place were complied with. That is a general catch all.