This story has gone too far, you can't have it every way. You agreed she stay there but you want it under your own terms, now you are pointing out dangers, either is is dangerous or it is not. If it is dangerous that she shouldn't stay there.
By the way I don't like the assumption that every man is a monster.
Oh for the love of god!! This is absurd.
I don't want it every way.
If I wanted it every way there is no way I would be allowing his partner, the woman he cheated on me with, to have anything to do with my child. I wouldn't be letting him see her, I'd have cut ties years ago and have nothing to do with him.
What I WANT is for my daughter to be safe. I know the risk to her from the lodger is minimal but it can happen. What sort of parent would I be if I left a strange man pretty much alone with my daughter in the dead of night? Her dad would not hear anything from his room. Neither of us know this lodger. I'm not for one second saying that every man is a monster and I have no issues with my daughter being around him but yes, I draw a line at her sleeping alone with a strange man nearer to her than her father. Even her father agrees with me on this.
Anyway, he is trying to let out the childs bedroom so it's not likely that she will be sleeping there anyway.
Is a bike dangerous, a car, a scooter? Potentially, yes. This is why we make our kids wear helmets and buy car seats and use seat belts. Not that we expect them to be injured or hurt but if they are, damage in minimised.
I don't expect that the lodger is a child abuser but the risk is there and I choose to protect the child by having her share a room with her father who can protect her.
Don't pretend to the child that you want her happiness in staying with her dad but then put obstacles in his way. Forgive me if I am wrong but that is the impression I am getting. While I don't agree the living conditions are ideal, one has to deal with what there is.
I am also acutely conscience of the obstacles that can be put upon spouses in relation to using children as leverage in an acrimonous split.
Okay, so I said he can still have her as much as he wants, he can introduce his partner to her, they can take her on days out and let her get to know his new partner. Once this is happening then she can share a room with them. And I'm throwing obstacles in his way? I'm pretending nothing to the child. I told her straight up that I wasn't happy with the situation whereby she ends up sleeping in the walk in wardrobe and therefore the overnights wouldn't be happening.
One couls also argue that it is up to him to provide adeqaute sleeping arrangments for the child if he has her overnight. Much as I have done in renting a house alone instead of renting a room in a shared house for a fraction of the cost I pay now.
If I were using the child as leverage I would be looking for the house, money etc etc. I look for nothing from him other than for him to respect the decisions I make as the childs mother. Same as I look for from other friends and relatives. If I didn't want my daughter sharing a room with my sister and her new boyfriend then I would expect that she would respect this and make other arrangements if she wanted to take my child overnight.