Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

Lawhead1, I orginally had not received a confirmation email after completing the application form.
I emailed yesterday asking them to confirm and they replied today confirming it.
Theo, u mentioned qualifying in the Uk?Is it a complicated process?Oh too much booze over the wknd+reading this thread on a monday afternoon=DEPRESSION!!

Im, I had interview with BCM during the summer, they rang me a few weeks ago to invite me to their open evening which I attended but nothing since. I see from the thread that you also interviewed with them during the summer. Have you heard anything else back since?
Hi Kiki86,

Qualifying in the UK doesn't seem to be too difficult.

An Irish law degree seems to be deemed as a qualifying law degree in the UK. That seems to be the general view I got anyway from various websites I looked at. Therefore, you are exempted from the entrance exams which are called the Common Professional Examination (the equivalent of Ireland's FE1s) You do a year long course called called the Legal Practice Course (like going to Blackhall) and I think you can do this without having first obtained a traineeship. Then, you do a two year traineeship.

CVMailUK is a great website where you can apply for summer vacation schemes and traineeships from the one place. I'm going to apply for traineeships, the deadline for most of them seem to be around April, May 2009. Although the competition for traineeships is just as harsh in the UK, it's a much bigger country and sure you never know. It seems to be worth a shot anyway, and I don't think converting to being an Irish solicitor after having qualified in the UK is too much of a hassle.
I got the email from MHC finally. I'm wondering if it's worth while applying for their internship. there's no guarantee that the would offer a traineeship even if you were successful in getting an internship. it seems too much of a gamble with them.
Thanks for the info Theo-defo gonna check it out!Might look in to qualifying in australia too!Dying to hear back from the other Dublin firms too though, waiting by the letter box is the only thing thats keeping me going!
Fi11, ya i was invited to the opening evening too but i didn't go cause they rang me like two days beforehand several months after the interview. i emailed the john guy in august and he said he'd be back to us in a few weeks..................few months later and no feedback. one of my friends thou had got interview lined up for some date in December which she was meant to have round the time of me. but, heard the last week that ppl who got contracts for 2009 last year have not had these put back till 2010 so i dont know what is happening! I'm tempted to ring them again but, all i get is they haven't made decision yet!
Mr John Rejection
No Luck Law Firm
Unsuccessful Street
1 January 2002

Dear Mr Rejection

Re: Job application rejection rejection letter

Thank you for your letter of July 17. After careful consideration I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your refusal to offer me employment with your firm. This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters. With such a varied and promising field of corporate candidates it is impossible for me to accept all refusals for employment.
Despite your company's outstanding qualifications and previous experience in rejecting applicants, I find that your rejection does not meet with my needs at this time. Therefore, I will initiate employment with your firm immediately following graduation. I look forward to seeing you then.
Best of luck in rejecting future candidates.

hehe i thought this would give you guys some light relief!!!
Think i'm now going to look up qualifying in Australia! Everything seems such a waste having done all the FE1's. So basically we're all waiting on WFry, A&L and MOP. wonderful!
Haha that letter is so funny!!Im with you Irishlawgirl on the possible OZ route cos I could combine study and travel.Kinda hard to figure out what the Oz process is tho so if you get any info would you mind posting it here?

Someone earlier asked about Ronan Daly Jermyn?Have heard vicious rumours bout them pushing back 2009 contracts to 2010 also. I rang them last week as they initially said that they would get back to people in November. I was informed last week that it will be December before they will be contacting people.Who wants to bet that they will just fob us off and not interview anyone??
Hi Kiki

Welcome to my world-I'm considering going to England as well! One point though, when I went to my career advisor he told me that they organise a traineeship for you. They mightn't keep you on after it ends but hey, a traineeship is a traineeship! I posted the website address earlier on in the thread but heres it again
They also welcome people over to see the college, and seem to be a lot more accommodating than Blackhall here, which noone seems to know anything about.!
RDJ Glynn didnt even acknowledge receipt of my application....(although i know some friends got emails of acknowledgement)....but yeh they probably wont interview anyone (btw...apparently the solicitors there dont have personal secretaries and the office is open-plan!!) they're a relatively young firm so wouldnt expect much off them anyway. has anyone heard from eugene f collins...that form took about 3 hours to complete and not even an acknowledgement of receipt!! are we all waiting to hear from mops/a&l/fry/maples this week or next?? kiki how long did it take arthur cox to get back to you after the second interview last year??
in case some of yee dont know there are some really informative threads on both and on the former there is a recent thread re details on irish people qualifying in the uk...
Excellent rejection rejection letter LM!! Ya I emailed RDJ last week, no reply doesn't look good! Is anyone going to the McCann Fitz presentation Thurs, what does one wear??!
Got a PFO from Beauchamps today because she said the standard was exceptionally high and the intake reduced. I'd love to know if anyone got called for interview? I doubt anyone did.
(btw...apparently the solicitors there dont have personal secretaries and the office is open-plan!!) they're a relatively young firm so wouldnt expect much off them anyway.

If this is indicative of your personality and attitude then it more than explains a lack of interest in you from firms. Get a grip on reality.
Why don't we just keep this thread for providing each other with information, advice and support.