Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

Yeh I am probably wrong, just trying to make some sense out of it.

No, I didn't get a confirmation email from A&L.
Are all the big companies taking on apprentices this year given that some of them are letting lots of their current ones go?

Doesn't bode well.
Was wondering did everyone get a confirmation email from A&L after they finished their online application form??

Got the invite to the A&L open evening soon after applying.. just reading the e-mail now and it mentions thanks for your recent application so I'd imagine that's what their confirmation e-mail was?
hmm i did get their acknowledgement letter but nothing on the email front. you're probably right though - it's a total front for looking like they are still doing well. why can't these people just tell it like it is instead of fobbing us off!

Would that you were important enough for the likes of a firm like MH+C to bother going to the effort of fobbing you off. Some of the remarks on this thread make me laugh.
Got the invite to the A&L open evening soon after applying.. just reading the e-mail now and it mentions thanks for your recent application so I'd imagine that's what their confirmation e-mail was?

Oh God are you serious, I got no such thing. Can you remember when that was? I'm going to go trawl through my email now! Are there any other people who received no confirmation email either?
Theo - nope I got an automatic acknowledgment that A&L received my online application form. (no mention of an open night).

I'm thinking Blackhall in Cork will not be open for business in 2009! And the Dublin one will have HALF the normal level of students. This is heartbreaking stuff guys but on the other hand - it's not just the legal profession taking a hit. Every area out there is taking cut backs - admittedly I'd feel better being let going AFTER qualifying than never having the chance to qualify.

I read earlier that qualifying in the UK might be an option. After doing the FE1's it seems like a complete pain - however not qualifying at all and wasting more time is possibly worse.

I am about as motivated as a snail right now - working as a paralegal in a top four firm - which is NOT easy - and i've no sign of an interview anywhere.
I got the email from A&L asking to attend their little reception they had.
Still no email from MHC re taking trainees via their summer internship, i'm baffled by it.
That In-House Presentation on the 20th of November for A&L was for Dublin Universities only, so if you were not given an invitation for it dont worry cos you had to be in college in Dublin......not sure why though!
i didnt get a confirmation from a&l that they got my application. i did get that email from MHC this morning though about there summer internship thing.........could they not have just reviewed applications they've already received instead of making us send in more cv's?!
these companies are so strange they don't seem to know what there doing!
oh nearly passed out!! That I didn't even get a PFO!! Thought it was the night that the biggies do for people they've invited for an interview. Phew! Can now go back to panicking over whether or not i've even been called for an interview.

Doesn't it seem like it's never going to happen for many of us? Bit pessimistic but i've been at this now for two proper years looking. TWO.
That In-House Presentation on the 20th of November for A&L was for Dublin Universities only, so if you were not given an invitation for it dont worry cos you had to be in college in Dublin......not sure why though!

Lawhead, are you sure that's the case? I am not in University in Dublin anymore although I did go to UCD.
Got that email from MHC this morning.

I emailed A&L asking to confirm that they got my application because I got worried it hadn't sent. They replied today confirming they got it and that they would be in touch in the next few days. Hopefully, whoever said it, is right that the open evening was for those in Dublin. I have feeling that would be correct. I'm in Cork. But we'll know soon enough! We gotta think positive people!
Irish law girl i feel the same i've been looking for two years and i think im actually worse off now.I've nothing else left to try
Still nothing on the MHC email. I'm intrigued by it all.
I feel you guys pain. i've been looking for an apprenticeship for two years properly and two more years before that while in college. it's tough going but stay positive (for now anyway ).

I wouldn't worry too much about whether or not you got asked to that A&L reception. I don't think it has much bearing on your application. Just make sure that they got your application, the is the most inmportant thing.

It sounds like they will be writing to us all over the next few days anyway so all will be revealed then.
I.M - there's a few of us in the same boat I think - I think if the firms didn't want me last year - they're probably not going to want me this year. No matter what work i've done in the meantime to bump up my CV.

At this stage, i'm glad i've a big credit card bill - otherwise i'd have no reason to work!! At this stage - I can get no more relevant experience. Withered!
i spend my days at work trying to find something else to try so i'm not very productive!haha i'll be the happiest girl ever when i get a training thing for sure when i am qualified im going bloody enjoy it.
can i ask has anyone got any feedback from BCM Hanby Wallace?

theo2008, had you originally not received a confirmation email after completing the online app form?
Sorry I was away from the thread for a bit. Yep as far as I know, that e-mail was for the universities but I thought they sent it to most people . . .anyways I wouldn't worry as it was only an informational evening, nothing much else