Will investigate this today. What I do know is that only those who made an original objection to County Council re this application can make appeal to Bord Pleanala. But will look at possibility of group appeal and maybe just get everybody who objected originally to sign the appeal letter. Anybody else with any further advice?
Just seen this thread for the 1st time. A few things:
- It shouldn't matter how many objections are made to An Bord Pleanala: it's not a vote! It's the content of the objections that matter. You can lodge a single joint appeal: in fact, anything more is arguably a waste of money.
- I'm surprised you had difficulty in getting details of the original planning application: the council are legally obliged to make this publically available to anyone who wants it.
- The original permission for the estate most likely had provisions in it for the amount of public open space (which is what this sounds like) provided. You should also check out the county development plan for your area, which will have similar provisions. This may we well be the most likely grounds on which an appeal can be made (assuming you don't have any legal title to the ground)