Left Energy supplier when they say I was in contract


Registered User
Recently went to change my commercial electricity suppler to make some much needed savings. Went through the procedure and got confirmation from my new supplier that I now have an account with them.
Now my old supplier has issued me with a “ final “invoice with a €1000 exit penalty fee because they say I signed a 2 yr contract 18 mths ago. .
I had no recollection I was in any kind of contract so I asked them to email me a copy of the signed contracts.

I couldn’t recognise my signature on the "agreement" ( it seemed to be computer generated) and when I questioned this I was told that I signed electronically and that was used at the time to generate the “ virtual signature “. Reluctantly , I’ll have to take their word for that but I also noticed that the supplier hadn’t signed or dated their side to the agreement on the copies they gave me . I

What should I do. It’s a bit of a mess I know but maybe somebody would advise ?

On the assumption that the contract was set up over a phone call, why not ask them a copy of the recording?
Is the extra €1000 exit fee due to come out of your IBAN instruction. If so I’d be stopping the direct debit whilst you are waiting for the Regulator to come back as suggested above by another contributor. If it’s gone already it’ll make it harder to get it back.
If you signed up with a particular company then ask them to prove you signed up for two years? You would have received and email welcoming you to your plan. Check your email. Also your bill should say the length of time of your contract that you signed up to.
I know I had 15% discount for 1 year with an energy company and noticed after 3 months the discount was removed. I contacted them and asked them to investigate. It looks like the co changed me to 18 month to a lower discount when I agreed to 12. Got refunded.
Unfortunately this is probably correct. Commercial contracts have fairly high cancellation clauses.

You can ask for the new contract to be cancelled and ported back and wait out the 6 months (and see if they have a better rate)

Some exit penalties are much higher (my Energia clause is €1500). But in most cases you can switch to a different plan within the same supplier without penalty and that usually will be close to what a competitor is offering.

You might be able to check your "sent email" box and find the email thread. It could be archived too within the email app. (certainly Outlook has this feature)