Leaving cert results envy?


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Why are some people so envious of those who get high marks?

I know there are those who struggle and work hard for low marks but
there are also those who struggle,work hard,miss out on the going out nights, party's etc so they can achieve high marks.

If someone asks a kid ( who got high points )what points they got and they tell the person,some see this as boasting,but its not,its answering a question and stating a fact.

Some parents who boasted about how well their kids would do,had to eat a lot of humble pie!!

Some kids are just plain lazy,some kids go out each and every weekend during leaving cert year.some of those kids slag off the ones who put in the hard work,some of those kids are very very disappointed now.
I know of kids who just did as little as possible,whos parents are now sending them off on holidays as a reward!!
They seem to think that they would have no problem getting into college with no study and partying all the time..it doesnt quite work that way..
And the excuses the parents are dishing out is unreal.
Its simple your kid didn't do the work ,they don't deserve the college place or the holiday!Get over it,cop on ,and start being a parent,letting them do what they want is the easy option and now look what happened!!
I have to say that the kids who worked hard and got what they could are not included in the above rant,Im full of admiration for them..

Interesting that those who got high marks are now embarrassed to say what marks they got,it is in fact actively encouraged not to say what they got in case in offends anyone!that says to me that we don't like to acknowledge success..in other words ,we cannot be seen to praise those who did well??
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Uh oh...are you the proud parent of a high achiever by any chance thedaras?

If so, well done to the guy/girl!
I've always being amazed at the fact that the sections of society that have least regard for the leaving cert and dont take it seriously and underachieve are the people who put the most money and effort into celebrating the results.
Some parents who boasted about how well their kids would do,had to eat a lot of humble pie!!

Seems to be a lot of smugness between the parents not the kids.

Sounds like the parents are the bitchy ones paying attention to what other kids did or didn't do. They should mind their own business and look after their own kids results, never mind who got what in the exams it's nobodies business.
It always used to intrigue me that lads would say "Sure I'd get those marks/points if I studied", that basically you were "cheating" if you studied. That high points off hard work were somehow unreal or tainted, whereas in fact theres more credit due to someone who wasnt the most talented but worked like a demon. Its a life lesson thing.

While its never nice to say "I told ya so", its clear that hard work pays off and the person who gets the high points should just be satisfied and more along from the horrible world of secondary school into Uni where the fun really starts. Its petty to rub it into those who didnt get the marks, maybe they or their parents deserve a reality check but if they were that deluded in the first place there'll be no easy fixing the problem and you just make yourself look bad by trying.

Parents shouldnt be hyping their kids, and you or your kids results are no-one else's business. Sure answer the question if its asked but I dont think I'd be comfortable asking them or their parents what points they got.

One word of "warning" - for the kids that had utter devotion to the leaving cert, fair play and well done, but if you allowed yourself no life outside the exam its time to learn that life isnt all just one big academic exam after another. Allow/demand yourself to have a rounded life in college and beyond - sports, friends, socialising, relaxing. From an employers point of view you employ a person, not an academic results machine, have seen a few "academic autopilots" that just dont cut it in the real world.
Caveat; Id be afraid to tell you the answer to that in case I'm accused of boasting!But between me and you ,yes,high achiever, down to very hard work,very few nights out,blood sweat and tears and that was just meseriously though ,it was hard earned..

csirl; You have summed it up so well!! A parent I know whose child completely dossed their way through the LC, is now paying for her to go on holidays for two weeks!! The kid is very capable of doing a decent leaving cert,but preferred to party..
I know of one parent who ( god love the kid) told everyone that her kid was going to some high profile college in London,only to find that she hasn't in fact been offered the place as she didn't get the points required! Thats what I mean by humble pie...

Foolish by the mother, but was it a "la-la land" proposition (never going to happen) or just that the kid did well but came up a bit short?
The guy that got 9 A1's this week said he had a good balance in his life between study and sport. I believe you can get good grades without having your heads in the books 24/7.
Exactly Shawady. And if I remember correctly, a guy who got a large amount of A1's last year said that he put in 1 hour study per day. He still had a life outside it, but he also made certain that that one hour study a day was done. A great balance to have.
The guy that got 9 A1's this week said he had a good balance in his life between study and sport. I believe you can get good grades without having your heads in the books 24/7.

Yeah but that approach won't work for everyone. They are bright kids and fair play to them. I know people who have slogged their guts out (me included when I think back to it) for an average leaving cert.

I personally think the media should stop reporting on the Leaving Cert results like they do. Ever notice how they always go to the same schools.
Yeah but that approach won't work for everyone. They are bright kids and fair play to them. I know people who have slogged their guts out (me included when I think back to it) for an average leaving cert.

Thats true, you will always get people that are quicker to remember facts and reproduce them in exams. Like you, I got an average leaving cert by today's standards.
Some students will never get all A1's no matter how much study they put in and it is more important that they have a balanced life and do the best they can.
I know plenty of people that could only get into post leaving cert courses but with a bit of hard work and dedication they ended up with degrees or master's degrees.

Yeah I agree. I know the Leaving Cert is important but it is by no means the be all and end all. I know people who have done badly and have had great careers and I know people with A's coming out their ears but couldn't survive in the working environment when they weren't spoon fed information.

You can stick to the line I used years ago when asked how I got on (after a very impressive leaving, I may add ) . I just said "I got what I wanted" and left it at that.
Many work hard in a rigid system to achieve a college place. Whether that means 350, 450 or 550 points is irrelevant.

I think you're being a bit unfair, Thedaras. The reason some people are making excuses for disappointing results and seem envious of others is because they're upset and have had a right slap in the face. Hearing that someone else got 500 points is just rubbing salt in it. Yes, in some cases it's the student's own fault. But they're kids, they've taken a big knock and they're trying to cope with it. Likewise, while some parents don't mind saying 'yes, he got a crap leaving cert and it's his own fault' other's might feel that's disloyal to their child and will make excuses along the lines of 'Well, he had a very bad maths teacher/wasn't feeling great during some of the exams' etc. You're very lucky you have a diligent and hardworking son, but not all kids are like that. Of course he shouldn't have to hide the fact that he got brilliant results but this is the real world and some people won't be able to conceal their envy. It's going to happen all through life. People furious that a colleague got promoted ahead of them, a neighbour's come into money and is moving to Foxrock etc etc. It's just human nature.
Great. No doubt another cringeworthy word to add to staycation and chillax and the like:



I also know people who did badly in the LC, and have great careers,however that was in my day.

Now it would be next to impossible to even get an employer to look at your CV, without having a Degree never mind an LC.

Thats the sad reality, Bill whats his face,said the kids should go out and work for nothing,he forgets that when he did that it was probably 30/40 years ago.
Nowadays ,for insurance reasons an employer would not be prepared to do this..
And in fairness most all A, students are not the stereotypical ,cant survive the work environment, they are in the main hard working conscientious, and usually have other things in life like sports,music etc ,all rounders..