Learner Driving in Housing Estate

I think u misread my post. Our estate has not been taken in charge therefore no taxes paid by anyone goes towards the lighting and maintenance of it.

It will be in a few months though;)

I was making the point that the only way to restrict usage would be to take charge of it yourselves and pay a management company to maintain it.

There are plenty of 'estates' in Dublin like this.

The only case you could make to the council would be that the learners were posing a danger. I don't think you could argue that they're spoiling the look of the place.
The estate has not yet been taken in hand by the council and the residents have now erected signs at the entrance and at the bends. One sign consist of a large red "L" with a red line across it. Another simply states "Learner Drivers not welcome on this private estate."

The signs are up now for over a week and no learner drivers have been seen so far!
The alternative viewpoint would be that Kids that can't cross a road safely or are not aware enough to stay clear of learner drivers or cars in general, shouldn't really be out on a road, public green unsupervised in the first place.

I couldn't agree more aircobra19. Not to sound harsh but in my estate children are running wild all over the estate, And If I hit one I'm responsible! Fact is a lot of parents seem too happy to have their kids from under their feet in someone elses garden or on the street. Fact is the streets are for cars and access not kids playing, It's too dangerous. Some of them are so bold they even dare you to hit them. But if I did, god for bid hit a child, The parents I bet would come kicking my door down, calling me all sorts. Fact is parents are responsible for Their kids safey! I would be less worried about a cautious L driver under the supervision of an instructor than I would be about boy racer thugs not giving a C...R...A....P about anyone or anything other than the noise of their C.....R....A....P exhaust!!!!
You could try an organised protest at peak lesson times by setting up a barricade of reisdents and just block entry to the driving school cars. They will soon get the message and take their business elsewhere.
The street i live on isthe same has learner drivers all the time it annoys me sometimes when im in a bad mood :) but otherwise i dont care we all had to practice somewhere. i live on the corner house to so they always back around our corner but my next door neighbour on the other hand it drives them cracked and they actually run them out of it. there is a disabled spot painted on the road next door and he wont let them drive within an inch of it.
people have nothing better to do I suppose but moan. I was very glad to have housing estates to learn. Imagine the public roads with L drivers trying to do 3 point turns etc Imagine the poor L drivers getting blown off the road. People have no time for L drivers Learning,to be honest there are worst things like boy and girl racers and people in general who speed through estates not caring about anyone else. Maybe time would be better spent trying to do something about that? But I guess people don't want to upset people in their own estates.
dont think you would be any happier if you had uninsured racers in the estate.seems like another nimby case.dont forget those small kids grow up and want to learn to drive legally,so think on a few years.
thats a valid point,the roads are for the public use,car bikes etc,some people are under the illusion because they live in a house they own the road.