Health Insurance LCR Question with Laya


Registered User
Myself & my wife have been with Laya since prior to LCR coming in. We're in our 40s.
Due to an issue on Laya, or my companies side my wife wasn't insured from Sept 2019 -> 1st Jan 2020. My policy was switching over to being controlled by my work. At the time they had confusion during the switchover which I thought was sorted.
I was looking at the Premium section today and saw that LCR is being applied for my wife. When I rang, they couldn't find a record of her prior to 2020.
On my login on the Laya website I have member certs going back to 2017. The lady couldn't see those.

She went off for a couple of hours and came back and said she'd found policies for my wife going back to March 2015 (this is prior to LCR coming in). But there was a lapse in Sept 2019 (when we transferred to my work policy). My work apparently only paid for me for those 3 months and not my wife. So I've got to talk to my work guys about that. I'm not looking forward to that, they don't have much of a clue.

However the LCR that is being applied for her now is 10%. Is that calculation correct? She was insured with Laya from March 2015 -> Sept 2019 and then from Jan 2020 to present. When I was on the phone she said that she could see policies from March 2015. I didn't know when LCR came in so I thought it came in before that when I was with VHI. On googling now I see that it came in on May 2015 so we were with Laya for the entire time to now except for 4 months and that 4 month gap is to add 10% to my wifes bill for the rest of her life. Just checking if that's as it should be or what I can say to them when I ring back.
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