Health Insurance LAYA taking a lot longer to process day to day medical claims than before?

I'm starting to think it's something personal now between LAYA and me
Yeah I think it must be something personal
I submitted a claim on Monday afternoon and received a notification late yesterday afternoon that it had been processed
Definitely a slow down in usual service, submitted my two receipts last Friday and still showing as pending with a date at end of Feb, two very basic doc receipts that in previous times would probably have been processed and paid on the Monday after submission!
@Cervelo looks like @Monbretia and I are in the "LAYA doesn't like me" club

From reading back, I wonder if those who got processed in a couple of days only submitted 1 claim? Just clutching at straws ... really want to get back in the "LAYA likes me" club
Maybe - my last claim was just for 1 receipt. Received payment in less than 48 hours.
@Cervelo looks like @Monbretia and I are in the "LAYA doesn't like me" club
Hate to tell you that I submitted another claim on Wednesday afternoon and was "Processed and Paid" at lunchtime on Thursday

I really think that since the takeover their just double checking more claims as a way of reducing costs and I'm guessing their doing two ways
1. If the AI that scans your claim notices something in the wording if that claim it's rejected for further investigation
2. I'm guessing since the new owner is American French, they are now automatically double checking a certain percentage of claims everyday

I know it's annoying when a claim isn't processed as quickly as it should but I think we all have to remember that these companies are not in it for the good of our health and our bank balances but solely for maximising their bottom line and shareholder renumeration
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I have 2 claims in at the moment with processing dates of a month after they were submitted. One is a couple of weeks old and I've had 3 texts informing me it's in a queue and they are processing on date order. Apparently, not true looking at this thread A text from them 2 days ago said they're working on claims submitted on 28th December currently.
Apparently, not true looking at this thread
I feel I have to post as Mrs C has just informed me of her latest claim on the 28th of January
Note on her Laya account "to be processed by 3rd march"

Seems our (her) luck has run out
I submitted two claims through the app. and it’s taken over a month to process both,I’m still waiting when previous claims were processed within a week, something is definitely going on as I’ve happily been with Laya a number of years and never had to wait as long.
We set up a new policy with them as they couldn't give the 5% discount over the phone.

If you set up a new policy, does the exclusion period not apply? Also, what is this 5% discount, please. (I'm due to renew yesterday!)

As for the processing length, it appears - in our case - to be linked to the amount claimed. Routine GP charges are refunded very quickly, but bigger sums take longer.
As for the processing length, it appears - in our case - to be linked to the amount claimed. Routine GP charges are refunded very quickly, but bigger sums take longer.
Definitely isn't amount in my case, couldn't be much smaller, €20 & €30 receipts from doc!
@Marsupial , when I looked up HIA website around renewal time I was given online quotes. Then when I contact Laya to switch to the policy I had chosen I was given a different quote. They explained there was a 5% discount for online only. So they told me to set up the policy online, and to then cancel our existing policy. It didn't make a difference as there was no gap in having insurance.
I just submitted a claim, and it has to be processed by 13th February so 72 hours.
Maybe it is quicker timeline as it is a provider I've claimed with before.
I just submitted a claim, and it has to be processed by 13th February so 72 hours.
Maybe it is quicker timeline as it is a provider I've claimed with before.
Mine are both saying 27/2 having been submitted 24/1, both from same doc that I always submit and very basic things, nothing you'd imagine that could need querying so I'm still mystified as to why they are taking so long compared to previous experiences!
From reading some of the previous posts, I'm just wondering is there some sort of threshold / logic being applied when receipts are uploaded?

For example, if it's just 1 receipt and the value is under €75 then it gets processed in 2 / 3 days? If there's 2 or more receipts, or if the value of the uploaded receipt is greater than €75, then they're subject to some sort of manual approval?

Or maybe they also look and see how much has already been refunded to the customer, and if that's over a certain amount, then any more receipts from that customer are given a lower priority for processing?

Would be interesting to see if any VHI customers are also seeing a "delay" in their receipts being processed.