Health Insurance Laya Simplicity increase 25% renewal 1st November, how is this so?


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Just got the renewal and its 25% now 4402 for 2 in our 70's. How can this be justified?

would a company policy similar be cheaper and how can I get it?

I know i am not alone but had to ask?
Hi Noah,

As I'm sure you already know that there have been a few price increases over the past few years hence the 25%.

If you have a listen to Dermot Goode's from podcast here you may get some advice.

For most people these days getting a policy with 100% for ortho and ophth seems to be important and expensive to maintain even with Laya.
Having a closer look at renewal and there is a bit added. titled benefit changes and as the increase is 25% I'm thinking aha could be good but its worse, the excess has been increased!! where it was 50 its now 75, where it was 100 now 150, and where it was 175 shortfall for its now 325 per night!! And on it goes.

Is this called having you cake and eating the other persons portion as well.
I don't know whether you can do this, but the lower price and the better benefits are available on this 'til the end of September.
Even if you can, since you're a Nov 1 renewal, probably not worth your while?
I don't want to labour rhe point much further but is it the case they can do exactly as they want? A 25% increase when inflation is 3% is pretty shocking in any language. The excess for the beacon hospital is now €325 a night!! How much is the full cost??

I did contact LAYA for an explanation and asked about company plans but got a very poor reply, in fact it was dreadful. In one of the emails I found this sentence and was perplexed.

I do need to advise you that if there are any signs or symptoms of a condition present when you change your cover, a two-year additional cover waiting period applies to these conditions for any improved in-patient benefits. This waiting period also applies where the scheme has improved scheme excess and shortfalls. During this two-year waiting period, your previous scheme benefits would apply for those conditions."

What does this mean? I would be moving from simplicity to simply connect, as an example i.e from better to worse.

And finally how they can justify charging extra for a monthly payment? They don't do anything!!

In my 53 years as an adult I have never had a request for insurance that has a 25% increase and they made a profit of 35 million.
I don't want to labour rhe point much further but is it the case they can do exactly as they want?
I could be wrong but I thought that health insurers had to run their products and prices by the HIA first?
A 25% increase when inflation is 3% is pretty shocking in any language.
Medical inflation isn't the same as consumer/general inflation.
And finally how they can justify charging extra for a monthly payment? They don't do anything!!
Isn't it the case that most or all insurers can and do charge extra for paying monthly rather than in full up front?
In my 53 years as an adult I have never had a request for insurance that has a 25% increase and they made a profit of 35 million.
If you don't like Laya's price and service why don't you shop around and take your custom elsewhere?