Laya Laya out-patients claims.


Registered User
Laya seem to have a new address (P.O. box in Dublin 15) since last year to which you now send your OP claims at year's end.

I sent in my details at the very beginning of January but have not heard from them yet. In previous years I have known them to be much prompter.

How long should it take to deal with OP expenses claims ? There is nothing complicated about mine for 2016 just GP accounts and a visit to the dentist.
I'm surprised you haven't heard anything by now... in previous years I would expect a response within 2 weeks unless there was something unusual \ rare about the claim.
Lately I have been using the mobile app (very easy to use) and the response time is less than a week.
When making an outpatient claim with Laya it says I am covered for 50% of optical up to a limit of 150 euro. My glasses and optical cost was 545 euro., so is it 50% of 300 euro which is 150 euro or only 50% of 150 euro..Thanks in advance.
As odyssey06 said with regard to the mobile app,very easy to use,you can take a snapshot of your receipt and upload it and response time is very good....the only downside is the 50% that is refundable goes straight to my wifes bank account...shrewd woman!!
Sent in claims form and was told i had to wait until renewal to claim. i am not happy as
- fair amount 800 approx
- previously on same plan under group scheme i was paid whenever i claimed - every 6 months or so (Laya admitted they do this for groups )- very unfair imho
Sent in claims form and was told i had to wait until renewal to claim. i am not happy as
- fair amount 800 approx
- previously on same plan under group scheme i was paid whenever i claimed - every 6 months or so (Laya admitted they do this for groups )- very unfair imho
after complaining they paid up !
I had claims to do yesterday, notice that if you want to send a paper form you have to wait until renewal for them to assess but if you do it on the app you can send it anytime and get paid.
I had claims to do yesterday, notice that if you want to send a paper form you have to wait until renewal for them to assess but if you do it on the app you can send it anytime and get paid.
yes this was mentioned to me (afterwards)