Health Insurance Laya - Control 600 Connect.


Registered User
Just got my renewal from Laya for our Control 600 Connect policy. The annual cost has gone from €1183. to €1438.

The excess has also increased for everything.

These are the annual costs of this policy over the past 5 years per person.

Year 2020 €983.
Year 2021 €1054.
Year 2022 €1054.
Year 2023 €1183.
Year 2024 €1438.

If anyone has already done the groundwork on this please advise me of a policy similar to the Control Connect 600 either by Laya or VHI that is cheaper.

Our claims over the last 5 years have amounted to circa €600 in total for the two of us but our premiums have cost us €5712 x 2 =€11424.

We are both in our early 70's and have a GP card.
That must be one of the least expensive plans that has no shortfall for specified orthopaedic and ophthalmic procedures. And most of those plans have jumped similarly in price. If you want you can compare Laya schemes yourself on their website - just don't log in first.

However, at your age (which I am) I'd be looking seriously at increasing my cover rather than decreasing it. €1400 doesn't sound much for decent health insurance for over-70s. Mine is way more and worth every penny.
€1400 doesn't sound much for decent health insurance for over-70s. Mine is way more and worth every penny.
I remember back in the day VHI had a policy called Plan B. Many people had this policy and every year this policy increased in price more than the others because people that were on it didn't bother to shop around. There were many similar if not better policies available much cheaper.

snowyb was happy to recommend the Laya Control Connect 600 policy here on AAM and many of us signed up to it. The fact that this policy has increased in price from €1183 last year to €1438 this year...... is it turning in to a VHI Plan B type of policy as regards price increases.

Just wondering if anyone has done the legwork on this before I start the trawl and might give me a heads up.

Both my wife and I are in our 70's, both have GP cards, we get our bloods done for free at St. Vincent's hospital and also get any x-rays etc. done there for free also....
At age 50+, and having had ( thankfully, very largely unused) health insurance for +30 years I really have to ask myself if we should continue to pay +3k per year for say the next 30 years for 2 of us. Especially in retirement with lower income. Have kept it for biggies like hips ( 100% covered on my Laya policy atm), but seeing how the insurance companies are starting to limit their contributions for this, I wonder is it time to start to stop and self insure. I would be disciplined enough to set aside and save the premium. Could pay premiums for another 10 or 20 years and then find that the cover for hips is now at 50%. Or less.
I am another one of SnowyB's acolytes who took out a Control 600 Connect policy which is now up for renewal.

I had a look around and it still seems to be the most suitable.

Cover in the high tech hospitals with a shortfall and an excess.

It's a while since I looked at it but do I understand these correctly?

For example with the Blackrock Clinic
€675 for excess for overnight patient admissions
€350 shortfall per night.

So if I spend 4 nights in the Blackrock Clinic
I will pay 4 x €350 = €1,400 + €675 = €2,075
Hi Brendan,

The HIA and Laya website is showing the yearly premium @ €1,438.81 so it does appear to be excellent value in light of what mct1 says below.

That must be one of the least expensive plans that has no shortfall for specified orthopedic and ophthalmic procedures

For example with the Blackrock Clinic
€675 for excess for overnight patient admissions
€350 shortfall per night.

So if I spend 4 nights in the Blackrock Clinic
I will pay 4 x €350 = €1,400 + €675 = €2,075

I would interpret this the same as you but maybe check that with Laya to be on the safe side. You would be paying a lot of excesses alright if you were in for any length of time.

Your cover for day-to-day expenses is not great but if you don't have a lot of consultant/G.P. visits then its not the important part of the policy. Its quite amusing actually to see that your Outpatient Policy Limit is €6,500 in light of the low cover. Mine on my VHI PMI2410 is only €4,000 limit and my premium is €1,993.28.

So looks like a policy well worth holding onto.