Healthcare costs - not insurance Laya 125 Flex Explore - possible removal of orthopaedic cover - what happens then?


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Hi! I am due to have three lots of orthopaedic surgery - hoping to have it October/November and then in March next year. I am concerned about removal of ortopaedic cover from so many policies. Laya said it's a possibility but are they obliged then to give you another policy with orthopaedic cover even if it costs more. I am concerned as the earliest time I can have surgery for children, job, help afterwards is October, and that's for the first of three orthopaedic surgeries. What happens if they remove orthopaedic cover from my policy - happy to pay more as I do need the operations, but can't wait for years as I am in pain and have difficulty with walking due to arthritis.
The cover you have at the moment will last until the end of your year subscription, even if it is removed in the meantime for new policies and renewals. When it comes to renewal time you can then reassess your plan and make sure you have a new plan with the required orthopaedic cover, but they can't change or reduce or stop the cover mid-year from your current plan. It will only take effect from the end of your year's cover for the next year, at which point you will have a chance to change your plan if needed.
It will only take effect from the end of your year's cover for the next year, at which point you will have a chance to change your plan if needed.

Its always best when doing this to get them to confirm (preferably in writing) how the Upgrade Rule or cover for any pre-existing conditions will affect any changes that you make as don't want any nasty surprises in the future.