Lawn - Poa Annua


Registered User
Hi All,

Can anyone recommend a pre emergent herbicide to help with Poa Annua what wont cost the earth? Where can you buy this also?

Poa Annua grass(weed) is very difficult to remove and even to control. It's a kind of grass that grows well where you don't want it to grow. It's seeds can remain dormant for years and then regrow whenever. Birds drop its seed in faeces. Wind can blow such seeds onto your lawn where they can get a hold.

Control:- If you have a big lawn you're faced with an almost impossible task. All you can do is treat the area with Weedol (weedkiller that kills weeds and not grass and probably not Pro Annua). But, at least all other weeds will be terminated. Get rid of moss while you're at it.

Control:- If you have a small lawn, rotavate it, remove all grass and anything green and dig manually with a fork or spade breaking up any lumps of soil. Leave it for about a month and spray again with Round-Up (or anything stronger). Use more concentrate than directed for your spray can and water. (If you visit a country hardware shop you may be able to pick up something stronger than Round-Up). Dig the patch again and prepare to lay some grass seed. Even this might not work fully.
Thanks Leper, Has anyone had any experience with this Poa Annua being mixed in with grass seed? I purchased a brand in woodies last year and over seeded and it looks like my lawn is now riddled with Poa...
@imalwayshappy - I recently went through a total reseeding of a front lawn ( well seems "lawn" isn't quite the correct term to use now, maybe garden)... Anyway, I purchased lawn seed (not grass seed) no. 2 mix online and I'm seeing similar to you at these initial stages, but also a mix of "non grass" also - i.e. weeds.

The seed itself that I purchased, seems consistent, so I'm assuming that the "extras" I got growing were part of the top soil / manure / moss peart / sand mix, that I added to enrich the soil before seeding and a helping hand from nature itself, in general spreading it's seed. Did you add top soil / moss peat / etc to the soil that could account for the Poa Annua ? Are you seeing anything besides the grass / Poa Annua in the garden?

I'm hoping that the grass itself will increase in strength & take over the areas that I'm currently handweeding... It's a relavitely small area, but still consumes a lot of time trying to clear things out..
@imalwayshappy - I recently went through a total reseeding of a front lawn ( well seems "lawn" isn't quite the correct term to use now, maybe garden)... Anyway, I purchased lawn seed (not grass seed) no. 2 mix online and I'm seeing similar to you at these initial stages, but also a mix of "non grass" also - i.e. weeds.

The seed itself that I purchased, seems consistent, so I'm assuming that the "extras" I got growing were part of the top soil / manure / moss peart / sand mix, that I added to enrich the soil before seeding and a helping hand from nature itself, in general spreading it's seed. Did you add top soil / moss peat / etc to the soil that could account for the Poa Annua ? Are you seeing anything besides the grass / Poa Annua in the garden?

I'm hoping that the grass itself will increase in strength & take over the areas that I'm currently handweeding... It's a relavitely small area, but still consumes a lot of time trying to clear things out..

I have been trying to improve the soil (clay soil) so I have been aerating and using farmyard manure to improve the soil conditions. It might have come from this (or the seed box) who knows!. I have given it a light scarify (verticut) but might have to tackle it in September. I only rotavated 3 years ago so don't fancy going down that road again. The chemicals seem very expensive also!

I am not seeing anything else except Poa but it might be partially my fault also as I might have let the grass grow too long thus allowing more seeds to spread!