Late Late Show - Pat Kenny, time to go?


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Does anyone find Pat Kenny a terrible bore to watch on the television. After laughing my head off at what Enrique Iglesias said to Pat last week on the show - 'You ask the questions so dry and so seriously', and 'you are embarrasing me', I realised that this must have been the first time somebody said something face to face to Pat about his presenting and interviewing skills. And about time too!

The show itself has gone down big time since unlce gaybo left a few years ago. Ryan Tubridy is actually easier to watch and cracks jokes and gets the audience going and more involved. If you compare the Late Late show of today to shows in England such as Parkinson or the Jonathan Ross show, you really do see how boring and way to serious the Late Late show has become since Pat Kenny took over.

I was watching "Ryan Confidential" last night and thought to myself, wouldnt Gerry Ryan do a good job on the Late Late Show. He seems to have a way with getting more out of people he is interviewing. Or even Joe Duffy for that matter.

Its time for Kenny to go!!!

What do people think?
I find Kenny stiff, stilted, PC beyond a joke, boring beyond belief.

It'd take me a long time to get tired of punching Tubridy.

Both unwatchable for me.
Amen to that !!!


If there were any punches left over, since we're on the subject of the Late Late, the smug, patronising, aloof Gay Byrne could do with some.

...and talking about hitting, isn't it somewhat ironic given his current predicament, that Willy O'Dea himself has one of the most punchable faces in the Dáil?

I'm not sure that either Gerry Ryan or Joe Duffy would do a very good job - but they would be better than Pat.
Please please not joe bleeding heart duffy,I cant stand him at all.
gerry ryan failed on every tv program over the years.
I would think miriam o callahan might be the best for the job
I deffo think its time he handed the chair over to someone a bit more exciting allright.
Can't bear Tubridy either though.

I think its just Irish TV.
There was 2 features on teh Late Late show a few weeks back and I just couldn't get my head around why they had them on the one show because they were so inappropiate!!
I wrote to RTE to tell them what I thought but no reply.

I think they need to seriously review him and come up with someone else to provide the entertainment on a Friday night.
I was watching "Ryan Confidential" last night and thought to myself, wouldnt Gerry Ryan do a good job on the Late Late Show.

I'm no fan of Pat Kenny but IMHO he is infinitely better than Gerry Ryan. What about Craig Doyle ? Miriam would be good either...
I couldn't stand Tubridy until I actually met him (very briefly) and saw him in action- he's very professional and works very hard at what he does; his show would probably do a lot better if he got the better guests (well a little better anyway) that TLLS gets.

I like Pat on the radio but some of the more recent drivel (plastic surgery etc) on TLLS has been cringeworthy to say the least. The format of the show is very stale at this stage.

As for cigar chomping Gerry Ryan and his twelve chins- I couldn't even look at him on TV, as already stated he's had his chances at TV and couldn't make the break.

Joe Duffy, what a head wrecker his "Livewhine" is; he is self serving for a start and he's no oil painting either.

Miriam- lord help us, fawning over her guests on her own show, might as well give the job to dunphy.

Who's left?
...and talking about hitting, isn't it somewhat ironic given his current predicament, that Willy O'Dea himself has one of the most punchable faces in the Dáil?

he he!
Ryan Tubridy is where he is due to nepotism, and RTE is rife with the same.

Could Liam Brady do the job. He routinely destroys Dunph, is funny and intelligent, and has a name.
while not a great fan, Tubridy had Bill Clinton this morning for 20 minutes. excellent interview.
while not a great fan, Tubridy had Bill Clinton this morning for 20 minutes.
He introduced the interview by saying that it would last 10 minutes. Maybe it just seemed twice as long?
Does anyone find Pat Kenny a terrible bore to watch on the television?

So don't watch him...
As long as his viewing figures keep advertisers paying for slots then on he goes...
Vote with your remote!
I vote for Miriam too. Gerry Ryan is just appalling on tv- I saw a bit of his interview last night with Johnny Logan: he attempted to get 'personal'with Logan by constantly referring to his own private life which really just made me cringe. Pat is boring but okish. Joe Duffy should stick at what he's good at. Maybe someone younger like Grainne Seoige or that O'Shea guy. Although I don't think their show is that great Seoige has the wit and intelligence needed and I'd say could be great.
The thought of G Ryan (or Miriam, Joe Duffy etc for that matter) presenting the Late Late is the stuff of nightmares. Kenny's problem is that he sticks to the script... it's as if he has no innate sense of letting a conversation flow its natural course..dammit he'll get to the next question on the list no matter how interesting this one is!

As usual with RTE it's a question of trawling through the usual suspects... why not cast the net outside of Montrose? I thought Dunphy did a fairly decent job during his brief tenure in the Helix. Plus there loads of untapped talent in Ireland.