I understand you don't want to say which case it was, could you tell us why the judge ordered the solicitor to return the deposit? The only reason I can see would be that the solicitor was negligent in handing it over to the builder in the first place but on what grounds.
I dont understand why the case cannot be mentioned if a judge has made a decision then the decision is public information.
It is interesting in Kate's post that there is apparently insurance in cases of deposit, I was not aware of this. Why didn't everybody just have insurance for the deposit if the homebond had time
Can only guess that the purchasers advisors failed for advise to do so.
In relation to the hardship of saving for deposits, I find it hard to believe that people who were going to purchase 500K houses have a problem now saving a new deposit. They were going to be able to pay 480K mortgages (based on 20K deposits) so how on earth were they going to repay such hefty mortgages? Something is not adding up in this. It's also madness that the deposit were not even close to 10%, no room for manoeuver at all, and I wouldn't be surprised based on my experience on AAM if the deposits weren't borrwed as well. About a year ago (?) interest rates rose for a while, I do wonder how people on these large mortgages would have coped with even a 1% rise.
Well there are lots of possible reasons for this one being that at the time of purchase a young couple doing say professional training and knew that by the time the house was built that they would be on x and if there was any shortfall they could rent out a room or two. However, now they are out of a job and have no house to rent out a room.
I'm still waiting for one purchaser to prove how they are financially worse off because of this lose of deposit.
They are worse off because their deposits are gone! The system should have ensured that deposits were available for refund to in the event that the build could not be completed in the agreed time frame. Just like the way the depositors had to buy property creating negative equity if the build was compete. People wanted their deposits before the examiner was appointed because they were fed up being held up. If the company had returned the money these people would have the deposits available to them now! I think the point is that these people were looking for their deposits back long before the examiner was appointed!
This whole purchase of property off plan was a complete collective Irish madness it seems to me. I dont' know about Laragan but as I'm interested in property I've visited many many housing estates both being built and completed and I am still amazed at the shoe boxes, lack of storage, lack of finish, no green areas, no parking, no public services. I imagine in the future a lot of them will become like wastelands and will probably be pulled down to build something more suitable for families and for proper collective living.