Landlord arranging viewings without telling existing tenant

Re: Landlord arranging viewings

What is really importnat in this and any case is the lease. The posters that say that the tenant has greater power than the landlord are right if the tenant wants to cut off their nose to spite their face i.e be stubborn and get put out. Communication is key here and if i were renting a house that was for sale I would be house hunting straight away, cause once its sale agreed you are left with little time to play with.
Re: Landlord arranging viewings

Can somebody clarify whether it is actually legal to have your house on the market while you are renting it? I was renting an apartment and decided to sell but was told by a few auctioneers that they could not put it on the market while I was renting it out because it was illegal

It's not illegal just inconvenient. A house will usually sell better without tenants insitu
Re: Landlord arranging viewings

Regardless of wether its legal or not it seems unfair that a landlord can be charging what is usually top dollar for rent and then expect the tennants to have the house available for viewings.

My brother and his family are paying 2000 pm in rent and I know they would be highly annoyed if they had to facilitate ongoing viewings.
Surely if you rent a property you should not have to make it available for viewings?

If the landlord needs access for repairs/inspections etc then thats fair enough but for strangers to traipse around your home on a regular basis.....seems unfair.