lack of clarity in school policies

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good morning television, I think you are way out of order to make a remark like that, the meeting went well, there were other issues to be dealt with at the meeting, she had four detentions for being late, not a crime but they have a policy on this which is quite clear, she is most likely going to get a day suspension. Principal stayed for 5 minutes, explained why the meeting was called, apologised to my daughter and I and left to attend another meeting. the other teachers finished the meeting outlining the other problem. We all left happy. Thank you everybody for your time and effort. Thank you Flahers 2 for your support.
Thanks for letting us know how things went hwin, Much ado about nothing then, or very little! It can be upsetting though, but generally I find schools/teachers are very fair and sort things out without too much pain.
You can relax now and have a nice day.
yes the problem seems quite small now but it was a big thing on Friday, but you people seem to have made it clearer, Sorry if anyone thought I was cheeky or unreasonable, I didn't mean to be, but sometimes when feelings run high, "you can't see the wood for the trees" so to speak. Thanks Ophelia and all you others who contributed your opinion, it helped and meant a lot.
We are reminded by this thread (and we often need to be reminded) that we should be careful about rushing to judgement.

hwin1 may have misinterpreted the situation in some respects, particularly about the reason for the disciplinary hearing -- but she is a mother who was worried about her daughter. I do not intend any offence in saying that she came across in my eyes as a lioness defending her cub.

Thanks for coming back with the update, hwin1. Now that the boat is out of stormy waters, I wish you and your daughter plain sailing.
that was very nice to say, thank you Padraigb, you lot here don't pull any punches as I have seen from reading other threads too, people need that to gain a different perspective, I didn't realise I came accross that strongly, I know where I will come for advice again for deffo. Thanks again, by the way it was my first time to ever have something like this happen to me , as if you couldn't tell ha ha!! Thanks again.
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